Page 87 - The Light Dragoon 2024
P. 87

    Troop Leader’s points of note:
Each squadron maintain their own vehicles, which are assigned to vehicle commanders. The Spanish were (correctly) confused by the idea of whole fleet management.
Although each officer specialises in line with their Troop, they are trained to command and operate all vehicles across the squadron, allowing for easy command cross decking.
The regiment can drive their vehicles straight out the back gate and onto their training area. They can also live fire on the training area. Their tolerance for risk is much greater.
Sergeants are vehicle commanders. There is no troop sergeant as such, the troop leader is responsible for all G4 as well as G1, G3 and G5.
ATAK is used heavily as a primary means of communication between commanders. They also use VHF and HF in vehicles.
The Spanish rank of Captain is the equivalent of a Major in the British Army. Captains command squadrons and sit in senior RHQ positions. Capt Ellis particu- larly enjoyed his rank slide being confused for a Spanish Colonel.
 Troop Sergeant’s points of note:
Accommodation was sub-standard, the blankets were itchy. Spanish military buildings don’t have warm water.
Lunchtime should be 1230, not 1500.
The Spanish army do not have enough coffee breaks.
W hite chocolate coated chicken sausage disguised as a candle is not an appropriate tapas dish and should not be classed as a local delicacy.
Serving beer as anything less than a full pint is daft.
Testicle soup is not a filling lunch.
The exchange to RC FARNESIO 12 was a great success. Relationships were formed and both nations left the week with an increased under- standing of each other’s TTPs, and capabilities. We were exceptionally well hosted by our Spanish counter- parts and impressed by their profes- sionalism and willingness to learn. It would be a pleasure to return the hospitality we received by hosting a reciprocal visit.
   Exploring Sahagun
 The recce cadre
The exchange begins..
 Tired Terry recevies a helping hand from Atko

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