Page 26 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 26

26 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 well-executed Raid at the end of the week, the Troop’s baseline skill level soared.
After the high of the final Raid, the Troop jumped enthusias- tically into the mounted phase of the exercise. The relatively steady pace allowed for time to develop tactically in the new post-Estonia ORBAT as well as providing ample opportunity to hone field rounders skills and understand the arcane nature of a good standing patrol matrix. It was during the three-week mounted phase 62 Custard was born. The Custards (Cpl Hollis, LCpl Villliers, Tpr Officer and LCpl Bell) went on to achieve great things including totally destroying a track, fashioning crossbows, and taking turret admin to a whole new level. We also discovered LCpl Well’s love for sriracha sauce, managed to acquire the A Sqn Leader’s tank and improved LCpl Hill’s ability to (almost) perfectly impersonate LCpl Whyte. The bib- lical rain in the closing stages failed to dampen spirits and for once Recce even managed to get through the washdown in front of the rest of the Battlegroup.
After the sprint to sort out everything for Ex IRON CYCLONE, the post-summer months allowed the Troop some time to let its hair down. For most, this involved driving down to the Dolomites in northern Italy for Ex SCORPIO AVVENTURA. Squished into three vans, the two-day drive was surprisingly painless. The Troop managed to entertain itself in countless ways including Tpr Cocks eating his bodyweight in Doritos, LCpl Walker barking at border control and Cpl Hollis expand- ing his musical repertoire to include kids’ birthday party songs. The epic scenery of the Dolomites combined with deli- cious Italian food, was the perfect contrast from the ration packs and woodblocks of SPTA and provided a great respite from the tank park.
The trip to Italy had clearly whet the appetite of LCpl Walker, LCpl Villiers, LCpl Kay and Tpr Cocks for international travel. Luckily for them, they all had the opportunity to journey to
Cpl Reid preparing for the Coronation parade
Cyprus with the Football team. Not only were they able hone their footballing skills they were able to experience all the Cypriot culture had to offer.
However, whilst the footballers were busy attempting to get a suntan, others in the Troop drew slightly shorter straws and faced the delightful prospect of competing in Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL. After a week of training on Dartmoor, the team, con- sisting of Lt Watts, Cpl Sikdar (Command Tp), LCpl Crossley (A Sqn), LCpl Dangerfield (B Sqn LAD), LCpl Bell, Tpr Officer, Tpr Plunkett (B Sqn) and Tpr Roberts and managed by SSgt Simler, headed to gloomy Brecon at some godforsaken hour of the night to start the Patrol. Tired and dazed before they even started, the patrol put in a strong effort to complete as a whole and achieve a bronze medal.
Throughout the year we have said farewell to some key per- sonalities within the Troop. At the end of Op CABRIT 11, Sgt Mason and Capt Barrell moved on to greener pastures after a very busy and successful two years. SSgt Simler, who consist- ently led the troop from the front, moved on to B Sqn at the end of 2023. Sgt McLaughlan was an epic help in making the Tp ready for IRON CYCLONE and we wish him luck as he moves up to the QM(T) department. Cpl Cebula, having passed Ranger Selection in summer this year, has now posted into 2 RANGER. As he takes on his new role as an Intelligence NCO, we hope that his excellent taste in coffee and slightly less excel- lent interpretations, and bizarre tea mountains are as valued by his new colleagues as they were by us. Tpr Cocks and Tpr Bretherton have moved to C Sqn with their light-hearted chat- ter and both Cpl Cahill and LCpl Swain have been unleashed into the civilian world and whilst gone from the Troop, they most certainly are not forgotten.
      Bombing up at CMR
Developing dismounted skills alongside our NATO Allies

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