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2 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 The King’s Royal Hussars
Editor: Major George Jackson, 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Volume 30
Foreword by The Colonel-in-Chief
HRH The Princess Royal.................................. 3
Foreword by The Colonel of the Regiment ... 4 Brigadier Nick Orr ........................................ 4
Foreword by Colonel Commandant, Royal Armoured Corps ............................................... 5
Major General Nick Perry DSO MBE......... 5 Foreword by The Commanding Officer ....... 6 Lieutenant Colonel PJ Perowne ................. 6 Regimental Diary of Major Events 2023 ........ 7 Regimental Notes..............................................8 Honours and Awards Citations ...................... 9 C (11H) Squadron............................................ 12 A (xHx) Squadron ........................................... 16 B (XIV) Squadron ............................................ 21 D (XRH) Squadron..........................................23 Headquarter Squadron .............................. 24 Recce Troop..................................................25 Command Troop ......................................... 28 QM’s department........................................32 QM(T)’s department................................... 33 Mechanical Transport (MT) ...................... 35 Training Wing..............................................37 Welfare ......................................................... 37 Light Aid Detachment................................ 38 UAP ............................................................... 39 Gym .............................................................. 40 Catering ........................................................ 40 Officers’ Mess .............................................. 41
The Warrant Officers’
and Sergeants’ Mess ................................... 44
The Corporals’ Mess................................... 48 Regimental AT Foreword ............................... 50 Ex SCORPION AVVENTURA....................... 52 Flashman Lecture Series................................. 54 Ex BERLIN HAWK ......................................... 54 Ex HIGHLAND HAWK ................................. 56 SPORTS ............................................................. 58
Alpine Skiing ............................................... 58 Nordic Hawks ............................................. 59 Football ......................................................... 60 Boxing ........................................................... 64 The Grand Military Gold Cup 2024 ......... 66 Golf................................................................ 67 Trailwalker .................................................. 68 Ex CENTAURE CHALLENGE ................. 70 Cross Country.............................................. 72 Hussars on 2 wheels ................................... 74
ERE .................................................................... 75
Hawks in NATO’s Northern Flank or The Cav in Stav!..................................................75
A Hussar in Brunei ..................................... 76 Hawks in The Hindu Kush........................ 77
Regimental Support Catalyses Environmental Training Programme in Ukraine ......................................................... 79
The Flying Hussar – A farewell for now.. 80 Hawks at AHQ ............................................ 82 The Royal Wessex Yeomanry ................... 83 Number IX (Bomber) Squadron................ 86 The Worshipful Company of Salters’.......89 King Edwards School CCF, Bath .............. 90
Cambrai Company, Hampshire & IOW ACF .............................................................. 91
The Regimental Association .......................... 92
The King’s Royal Hussars Regimental Trust Charity Number 1021455................. 94
HorsePower The Museum of The King’s Royal Hussars.............................................. 95
William Henry Pennington of the Balaclava Light Brigade ............................. 97
Lest We Forget – 2023 ................................... 101 Valetes ............................................................. 102 Captain Jack Harcourt..............................102 Captain Alex Danvers ............................. 102 Captain Alisdair Tew ................................ 102 Major Scott Pryor ...................................... 103 Obituaries ....................................................... 104 King’s Royal Hussars ................................... 118 Regimental Council .................................. 118 Home Headquarters ................................. 118 Regimental Headquarters........................ 118 C (11H) Squadron ..................................... 118 A (xHx) Squadron ..................................... 119 B (XIV) Squadron ...................................... 119 D (XRH) Squadron.................................... 120 HQ (XXVI) Squadron ............................... 120 Regimental Admin Office ........................ 121 Regimental Aid Post ................................. 121 Regimental Logistic Support................... 121 Officers ERE 2022......................................122 OR’s ERE 2022 ........................................... 123 Births .......................................................... 124 Marriages ................................................... 124
  Any contributions or comments are welcome and should be passed to B Squadron Leader:
 © Crown Copyright: This publication contains official information. It should be treated with discretion by the recipient. The opinions expressed in the articles in this jour- nal are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy and views official or otherwise, of the Regiment or the Ministry of Defence. No responsibil-
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Published by Crest Publications, 12 Brooklands Court, Kettering Venture Park, Kettering, Northants NN15 6FD Tel: 01536 317000 • Email:

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