Page 71 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 71

The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 71
     With no turning back now, the team prepare to abseil
and sending himself down the cliff face. A few particularly inelegant landings later, the team pushed on for the third serial, Battlefield Casualty Drills. A 500 metre ascent up near vertical hillside was all that stood in the way. Fortunately, liv- ing near the famed cheese-rolling hills of Gloucestershire, Cpl Parry mountain-goat-like ferried bergens and team members alike to the top. A serial that proved no difficulty to the team, the French were particularly impressed by Lt Palmer’s orange NATO “T” although seemed not to notice the direction of approach had a radio tower in the way!
A short distance on to the bivouack site, French rations, and orders. The team now stood in 4th place of 9 teams – progress, at last.
Day 3, blisteringly hot, was a 30km march with 800m ascent. With a quick descent to the river where, met by 7th Brigade Commander Brigadier-General Cédric du Gardin, we boarded canoes and kayaks. This, alas, was not a successful turn of events for the unaquatic breed which is the cavalryman. The indelible sight of Tpr Cheke and Sgt Duncan spinning in cir- cles in their canoe will remain with us all. 4km later, sodden,
The Via Ferrata, not quite Go Ape
grumpy, caught by the team behind, we soon dried out as we powered uphill to the Via Ferrata. High ropes training at Go Ape came in handy, and no doubt prepared nerves that frayed with the burden of staring down a sheer cliff face with only hooks to a wire above and a metal rung below standing between this world and the next.
The Via Ferrata complete, all that remained was for Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and Sgt Duncan to complete the remaining 20 km or so in the mid-day sun. Once again fierce with his pace Major Williamson drove the team up hill and dale, the occasional dowsing in water keeping the team all but functioning. At last, running to the end with the encouragement of WO1 Delunsch, we crossed the finish line, greeted by Brig-Gen du Gardin and refreshed with a beer.
The prize giving parade later was a particular joy, not only for the annoucement that the KRH Team were 3rd of 9, but that it went immediately into a splendid drinks evening, fuelled by French wine and local cheese. Surely, a Challenge to remember.
  The KRH Team at the finish line. Left to Right: Sgt Duncan, Cpl Parry, Lt Brenninkmeijer, Maj Williamson, 2Lt Palmer, WO1 (ADC) Delunsch, Brig-Gen du Gardin, Lt Campbell, LCpl Taylor, Tpr Roberts, Tpr Cheke, Cpl Holliday.

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