Page 147 - MBS 2022/23
P. 147
Defence School of Logistics and Administration (DSLA) is a Tri- Service Training Establishment
facilitating both Initial Trade Training (ITT) and Subsequent Trade Training (STT) courses. DSLA is also home to the Adjutant General’s Corps (AGC) and Royal Logistics Corps (RLC). The establishment is very busy with a throughput of over 10,000 personnel each year provided by a team of 600 Permanent Staff.
The Gymnasium, due to its central location between the living accommodation, Social Hub and colleges provides a focal point for many of the stations sporting, team building and well-being events that take place regularly throughout the year. Also due to the excellent facilities, training areas and competition-sized sports courts / pitches the Gymnasium supports a myriad of sports such as Basketball, Badminton, Netball and Volleyball, whilst delivering its primary focus of a varied and enjoyable physical training programme to trainees and permanent staff.
During the last year the Gymnasium has facilitated the AGC Cross Country Relays and the Triple Crown Challenge, it’s premier physical and military skills event. There has also been the RLC Herring’s Cup competition and Worthy Down Cross Country that have served to promote fitness and wellbeing across the station. The Gymnasium and its staff have also supported a wide range of external activities such as Alpine Skiing,
Sgt (SI) S Lawati RAPTC
Adventurous Training, and providing catering support to the RAPTC Cross Country team’s record-breaking Land’s End to John O’ Groats run.
The past 12 months has seen continual evolvement of the physical training facilities within DSLA with the inception of a combat centre, conversions of stores into extra training areas and procurement of extra lifting platforms to enhance strength and conditioning provision.
During this time of transition, full output has been maintained and the Gymnasium has also delivered activities that promote health, well-being, and involvement in physical activity for trainees and staff of all 3 services and the Civil Servants on site. The health fair that brought in external agencies covering all aspects of health was well attended and considered a success, whilst the cohesion events including blindfolded obstacle courses and problem solving with a physical element have promoted team cohesion and enjoyment of being active. The team cohesion fostered throughout the year was in evidence during the run up to Christmas with an outdoor aerobics session on a crisp winter morning, followed by a Team Mario Kart event complete with mince pies and fake snow (flour) that certainly kept the PTIs busy with their brooms!
In the more ‘serious’ sporting activities, DSLA has been represented in several sports with successes coming in Cross
Country (RLC Minor Unit Champions & runners up in the SLCC) and Basketball (1st UK South Minor Units & 2nd Army Inter-Unit).
Following on from successful training camps this year, the Gymnasium is in line to host Royal Air Force (RAF) Volleyball and AGC Netball whilst continuing relations with local schools and community groups / teams. At the time of writing, DSLA personnel are looking forward to Ex TRISKI, the annual Alpine Skiing concentration which this time round will see them enjoying the delights of Tignes. This will hopefully be followed later in the year by an expedition in the Dolomites and a water activities serial in Thorney Island. We are a close team who are looking forward to the future and are excited to continue to add value across the station.
Sgt (SI) Seb John (Centre) and Basketball Team with Army Championship Runner Up Trophy.
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