Page 160 - MBS 2022/23
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JSMTW (L) has a maximum capacity of 36 students managed by an OC, Maj Al Seaton and WSM, WO2 Danny
Meehan. In support of this there are 3 military AT instructors and 2 Specialist Instructional Officers (SIOs) as well as a mixture of Civil Service and Contracted support staff. I was assigned here in Jul 22 and would like to recount my experiences delivering from the Wing and my continuing journey.
Upon completion of the Adventurous Training Instructor (ATI) Resilience Margin (ReM), I arrived at JSMTW Llanrwst in July 22. The ReM is a six-month training package held at JSMTC Indefatigable, North Wales. The course is designed to provide new ATIs with the baseline skills and qualifications necessary to deliver high quality AT output for our Joint Service personnel who undertake Foundation, Leader and Instructor courses aimed at developing leaders and building resilience.
During the ReM, I qualified as a Summer Mountain Leader (SML), a Canoe Instructor Level 2 (CI2), a Mountain Bike Leader (MBL) and a Rock Climbing Instructor (RCI). This was a dream come true after spending the last 2 years preparing for RAPTC Selection and completing the nine-month RAPTC Instructor Course at the ASPT.
During my ReM training period, I also managed to visit other centres gaining Winter Mountaineering and Winter Climbing foundation qualifications at JSMTW Ballachulish and a trip to the Swiss Alps with JSMTW Bavaria to do Alpine Mountaineering. These valuable foundation qualifications will allow me to develop over the coming years, hopefully progressing up the scheme to become a future instructor in these disciplines.
The instruction I received during the ReM was exceptional, and was provided by
Sgt (SI) L Russo RAPTC
Sgt (SI) Russo - Abseiling into ‘Easy Gully’ on Aonach Mor
both fellow, more experienced ATIs and civilian instructors employed by JSMTC. Their knowledge, real life experience and wisdom ensured that every day was a school day!
Upon arrival at Llanrwst, I was extremely keen to get straight into delivering courses. I was fortunate enough to be able to shadow and co-deliver courses for the first 6-8 weeks. This was an extremely valuable transition from being a student myself to becoming an instructor. This allowed me to see how courses are delivered in real time, as well as expanding my coaching ‘toolbox,’ undoubtedly making me a better instructor in the long run.
During this transition period, I also attended the Adventurous Leadership and Resilience Training (ALeRT) workshop ran by JSMTW Llanrwst. This course is delivered for all ATIs across the organisation. The course ensures that all our instructors, both Military and Civilian can relate experiences learned by our
Sgt (SI) Russo - Mountain biking in the Gwydir Forest
students on courses back to military and personal life. This includes things like coping strategies for stressful situations, as well as recognising different leadership styles and when would be best to apply them. This allows our students not only to develop the hard skills learned on course, but crucially the soft skills that will make them better leaders and followers, enhancing Operational Capabilities.
I would like to thank ‘The Roosters’ team for making me feel instantly at home. Llanrwst is a small, tight-knit Wing whose staff are all incredibly friendly, supportive, and diligent. The CoC have created a unique, family like environment which I have very rarely experienced in previous roles. The team dynamic is fun, light-hearted, yet extremely professional. Every team member is valued and plays their pivotal part in delivering the very best training to our students. This is often reflected in our Internal Validation process completed by our students at the end of their respective course.
   Our objective is to facilitate, deliver, train, qualify and support Unit and Individual Adventurous Training in
order to enhance operational capability. Another year of foundation AT courses has seen us deliver 600 course instances and, more than 3500 individual places on our highly sought-after courses. With nearly 12000 bids for courses, the appetite is still there for AT. As well as delivering foundation courses, there is still plenty of
Capt (MAA) A Harris RAPTC
opportunity for our staff to get away on more exiting Expeds. This year has seen the Centre leading Nordic Skiing, Sub- Aqua and Climbing Expeds which have further qualified staff in more advanced qualifications. Most of our Wings are staffed by RAPTCIs, although our Air and Sub-aqua branches have no RAPTC liability. Articles for all RAPTC run Wings follow below.
 Capt Al Harris, Maj Eddie Williams, Capt Gareth Slade-Jones on Nordic Exped

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