Page 221 - MBS 2022/23
P. 221

  The RAPTC North West (NW) Branch Association continues to hold our annual events in The Grand Hotel, on the North Shore Sea front, Blackpool. We now hold the annual Reunion get together on the last weekend in September.
After a poll carried out with all NW Branch members in January 2023, it was decided that we would continue to hold 2 annual functions. Firstly, a Reunion weekend, consisting of a Fri night Buffet and Gala Dinner on Sat, is held on the 3rd or 4th weekend in September. Our second get together consists of our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Christmas Dinner which is held on the 1st or 2nd Tuesday in December.
Social Evening, Reunion Gala & Rugby Dinner – Sep 22. On Friday evening, as well as NW Branch Association members we were joined by serving and retired members of the RAPTC RFC, who helped swell the numbers attending. We commenced the weekend with a social gathering before tucking into a mixed array of food whilst continuing with our catch-ups and tales of yesteryear before retiring at a late hour for some. Whilst others sampled the delights of the Blackpool nightlife!
On Saturday evening we reconvened in the Chester Suite for our Reunion Gala & Rugby Dinner with background music and dulcet tales of times past. On conclusion of the four-course dinner and toasts, the Regt Sec addressed those present, thanking them for their attendance, congratulating all committee members for an excellent evening, updating them on key Corps achievements and current matters. After which we conducted the draw for Dot’s Ladies’ prize before concluding with our traditional Blackpool Raffle with prizes donated by attendees. All followed by catching up with everyone until a late hour.
Lt Col (Retd) Sheff Appleby
Friday Gathering – Eddie McMinn, Dougie McGill, Dennis Williams, Jimmy Bishop
Christmas Dinner – Dec 22. On Tuesday 6 December we gathered at the Grand Hotel Blackpool for our Annual General Meeting and Christmas Dinner, with a Christmas theme. All members attending were asked to wear something Christmas related, with the best themed individual being presented with a prize. (This year’s winner was a guest of Eddie & Pat McMinn) A traditional Christmas Fayre was the menu with some members choosing the alternative menu. A number of people came up the night before to enjoy the Blackpool illuminations, local Bingo halls and the Pleasure Beach. I’m told that Santa Claus (Father Christmas to some) did pay a fleeting visit during the evening to pass a few presents to certain members!!
My sincere thanks to all the committee members in the tireless approach to make the functions such a success, to all those personnel who attended any of our functions and we look forward to welcoming you all, along with any newcomers to next year’s NW Branch Gatherings whilst enjoying the sights and sounds of Blackpool, Fleetwood, Cleverley’s and Lytham St Anne’s.
Friday Gathering – Dee Kerridge, Caz Smith, Christine Young, Sheff Appleby, Ivan Down (hiding behind Sheff), Cassie Travis, Julie Down, Dave Smith, Rae Rutherford
   Saturday Dinner – Kane Mortimer, Lyn Higgs, Dee Kerridge, Cath Warburton, Dave Warburton, Dave Smith, Caz Smith
 Christmas Dinner – Jim Mackenzie, Dave Warburton, Cath Warburton, Angela Rafferty, Chips Rafferty, Karyn Pyle, Brian Pyle
  Saturday Dinner – Dot Goulding, Barbara Redding, Dave Redding, Mrs Sorenson, John Sorenson, Danny Bryant, Cath Bryant
Christmas Dinner – Blackpool Tower at Christmas

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