Page 6 - MBS 2022/23
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Lt Col (Retd) S D Collinson Regimental Secretary
Well, what a turn up for the books, I’ve landed my plum job. When I heard that Gary Jones was retiring, my thoughts immediately turned into action and I was applying for a new job. A few months later, on 11 Jul 22, I started my first day in the appointment of Regimental Secretary.
There’s plenty to do and my days are full. I have some thoughts and ideas which I plan to discuss with the Association Executive Committee Trustees, in the hope that some will come to fruition – but one step at a time!
This will be the first edition of MBS that I have compiled from start to finish. I changed the criteria for submission and thank those that read and followed it! There is so much going on and people have so much to squeeze into a small amount of words, but I truly thank all those that submitted articles and photographs. Sadly, we have a limit to what can be put into print, so not all articles and pictures will have made it to the final publication.
In last year’s edition, alongside the printed publication, we trialled a digital version as well, which appears to have been well-received. We will produce a digital version again this year, but I doubt we’ll ever abandon the printed version.
So, whether your sitting in an arm- chair with a hard-copy or lying in bed with a digital version on your iPad, I hope you enjoy this year’s edition of MBS.
1 APRIL 2022 TO 31 MARCH 2023
Brigadier EJR Chamberlain, Chair of Trustees
What a difference a year makes, only 12-months ago we were recovering from the effects of the pandemic and tentatively beginning to return to the workplace more frequently and working from home less often. What we have realised along the way, whether serving or retired, is that we can adapt quickly and still find innovative ways to conduct our business, to stay in touch and to maintain the bonds of friendship that makes our Association the successful organisation that it is.
We have achieved a significant amount over the last 12-months and I would like to take this opportunity to summarise just some of our key achievements.
As a registered charity, The RAPTC Association is held to account by the Charity Commission for England and Wales who judge our performance against the objects within our governing document - The RAPTC Association Constitution. The Constitution is supported by a set of Internal Rules (IRs) which articulate the duties and responsibilities of The Trustees and The Association’s sub-committees. Copies of the Constitution and IRs can be found on The RAPTC Association Website at
The Association’s Executive Committee controls our charity and is comprised of fourteen Trustees. They are accountable to The Association’s members and the Charity Commission for ensuring that The Association remains solvent, well run and provides support to our members in accordance with the Association’s Constitution.
The Trustees (seven serving and seven veteran volunteers) work on behalf of all Association members and ordinarily meet biannually to discuss all aspects of Association business. The serving trustees hold ex-officio appointments linked to their military assignments. Consequently, in the last year, Maj D Boocock and Maj W Pacter have stood down as Trustees at the end of their tenure. In addition, one of our veteran volunteers, Maj (Retd) T Parker MBE also decided to stand down as a Trustee. On behalf of all Association members, I would like to thank them for their conscientious and professional approach and for the considerable work they have undertaken on behalf of all Association members and the Charity.
In their place, we welcome Maj R Bailey, Maj R Windard and Col (Retd) I Horn MBE to the Association Executive Committee.
Regimental Secretary
The RAPTC’s Regimental Secretary, provides the secretariat function for the Executive Committee. Having held the appointment for 9-years, Lt Col Gary Jones retired at the beginning of this reporting period. I would like to thank Lt Col Jones for his diligence and dedication over a prolonged period, during which time he delivered numerous initiatives and ensured the RAPTC Association continued to be a professional and effective charity. I am most grateful to WO1 (SMI) P Holden MBE RAPTC who covered the role whilst a full-time replacement was identified. No stranger to the Corps and a former Senior Master at Arms, Lt Col (Retd) S D Collinson assumed the appointment of Regimental Secretary in Jul 22 and, having held an appointment as a Trustee previously, quickly settled into the role and is already forging ahead with business.
Capital, Reserve Account and Investments
The Association’s finances are broadly in three parts – working capital, a reserve account, and investments. The working capital is managed and administered in accordance with Service Funds Regulations; the investments are managed on our behalf by BlackRock within their Armed Forces Charities Growth and Income Fund.
The level of working capital held in the Association’s accounts continues to meet our planned and necessary expenditure and is at an appropriate and sustainable level.
Now that we appear to be clear of the pandemic, expenditure is returning to pre-pandemic levels and activities for both serving and retired members are again being funded through grants and payments.
As a Charitable organisation, I am extremely grateful to our serving members that contribute to the Day’s Pay Giving Scheme, without doubt our greatest source of income, and to our retired members that generously make regular donations. I must also highlight the funding we receive annually through a grant from the Army Sport Control Board (in future to be called the Army Sports Board). This grant helps buy out some

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