Page 4 - 1995 Mountaineering Club Bulletin
P. 4

 Iam writing this article after what, from the Secretary's point of view, has been a particularly successful year for the Club. Successful in terms of recruiting, and in the level of activity and degree of participation. The Club accounts show a significant rise in subscription income, due almost entirely to a surge in new members that has continued throughout the year. The average attendance at the 1995 meets has been approximately twice the average attendance at meets in recent years, and the huge RN&RMMC attendance at JSAM over the last few years was repeated yet again in 1995. Had there not been two significant expeditions in the field at the time of the AGM we would almost certainly have been forced to turn people away from this year's dinner. There can be little doubt that the number and variety of expeditions over the last twelve months and the enthusiasm of you, the Members, have made a significant contribution towards advertising the Club s activities and drawing in new members. Long may it continue.
Having held the post of Secretary for 3 years, and having been on the Committee for some time before that, it is worth looking back very briefly. Three years ago there was a great deal of concern, both amongst the Committee and the Membership as a whole, that the Club was failing to communicate with its Members. There was no regular means of passing information amongst the Membership other than the Annual Review which, on its own, clearly wasn’t sufficient. The principle of 3 Newsletters a year, in
addition to the Annual Review is, I believe, about right. A purge of the Membership database, updating those addresses that were obviously incorrect, together with a concerted campaign to ensure that Members informed the Secretary when they moved has probably done as much as can be expected in reducing the amount of mis-directed mail. I like to think that the buoyant state of the Club at the end of 1995 shows that we're getting there, at least in ensuring that everyone knows exactly what’s going on.
Well, in spite of taking a few wrong turns, mis-reading a few guide books, falling off a few crags and spending unplanned nights in the Ben Nevis survival shelter I appear to have survived my term as Secretary unscathed. Those of you who were at the AGM will know that I have handed over the reins to Lt Cdr Dave Gray - a volunteer, no less. He is now the custodian of the data­ base, a pile of paper and a huge pile of kit so please, address every­ thing to him from now on!
Nothing remains for me to do now except to thank you all for the support that you have given me over the last 3 years - I'm sure you'll make Dave feel equally welcome and keep him equally busy.
It is pleasing to report that subscription income is up by 11% and we have breached the £4000 barrier for the first time. Thanks to all those paying by Direct Debit; it is much appreci­ ated, but please keep me informed of changes to your bank details and forward a new DD when this happens. We have also received generous grants from DNPTS for general use and pur­ chase of equipment. The Club now owns £2830 of kit, from mountain tents to radio transceivers and avalanche transmitters,
which you are encouraged to use. We are now paying insurance of £160 for this equipment, an increase of 14% in BMC subscrip­ tion and have increased grants to expeditions by 23% over last year to a total of £2730. The result is that we have made a small loss on current account in 1995.
This all sounds fairly good news but we really should have done better than this given the improvement in subsription income and grants. It was therefore agreed by the AGM that subscrip­ tions for Members and Full Life Members should be increased by £2, and that Social Life Members should be invited to con­ tribute £2 towards the cost of the Annual Review. The aim is to be better able to support expeditions and to continue the improved dialogue with members through a high quality Review and Newsletters.
In summary, subscriptions will be increased in August 1996 to:
Secretary's Corner
Treasurer's Report
Happy climbing.
£5.50 Full Life Members £10.50 Members
£2 Social Life
No further action is required by Direct Debit payers, but cheque payers should increase payments accordingly for 96/97 in August 1996.
By Direct Debit or cheque for those wishing to receive the Annual Review
Henry Buchanan
David Ward

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