Page 8 - ALG Issue 2 2016
P. 8

International Report
Below are some highlights from the work of the International Of ce over the past year. We are most grateful for all the organisational and campaigning work they do on behalf of the international community of allotmenteers
The International Organisation has been very
busy over the past year, working to highlight the importance of allotments to societies participating in Non Governmental organisations (NGO) and meetings in the Council of Europe workshop “Human rights and Climate change”.
The International Of ce was able to present eight examples
of allotment garden activities in the area of Inclusive Cities and Intercultural Dialogue, thus highlighting the importance of allotments in social activities for the harmonious living together of all cultures.
The Of ce has also been active in endeavouring to achieve recognition of allotments and their importance with the European Union and has had favourable responses with statements from the European Commission. The Of ce has, within its contacts with the European Commission, received several statements underlining that, on one hand, the allotment gardens are bene cial for nature and the environment as well as for social cohesion and have to
be supported, but that, on the other hand, they are not within the area of competences of the European Union. According to the subsidiary principle, the allotment gardens, their
legal protection and their support are within the
competences of the national states.
Despite this fact, the general assembly decided to take up contact once more with the President of the European Commission with the request
to consider allotment gardens in the European policy and legislation. Also, the President of the European Parliament was asked to support this demand in order that the allotments and their undeniable value could be considered within the European policy.
Following the advice of the President of the European Commission’s cabinet, the Of ce asked for a meeting regarding the respective regional policy of the Commissioners for environmental matters. The Of ce of Commissioner VELLA, competent for environment matters, informed the Of ce that before such a meeting, the Of ce had to register with the European Transparency Registry.
This was done in November. Since then, the Of ce is informed of all citizens’ consultations launched by the Commission in the areas that concern us e.g. climate actions, environmental questions, youth, education, culture and regional policies. This gives the opportunity
to the allotment garden movement to raise awareness within the European Institutions.
The meeting with the Of ce of Commissioner VELLA took place on December 15th 2015.
The Of ce representatives (Hervé BONNAVAUD and Malou WEIRICH) were informed that the environmental department of the European Commission was preparing a framework document/policy on green infrastructures. The representatives are concerned about areas that are not protected as Nature 2000 zones.
The European Commission, however, has no legislative power in this area and needs the support of the member states. The Commission can only stimulate and help/ improve the transposition of this framework policy.
It is now in our hands to make the adequate lobbying in order to see the allotments integrated in this text.
The President of the European Parliament responded to a letter sent to him in September and promised his support.
Europa Nostra
Europa Nostra grants the European prize for cultural heritage and the Europa Nostra Award every year.
I am asking for the criteria for these awards so that we can see if we can lay claim to one of them. Watch this space for the
I am pleased also to announce that our friends from Japan that
visited Ipswich allotments several years ago are now fully af liated members of the International Of ce.
I have recently returned from the General Assembly held in Luxembourg on 4th and 5th March, where once again it was a full agenda. As one of the auditors for the Of ce, it was necessary for me to be at the meeting early in order to discuss and agree the accounts which were all in order.
The agenda -
Europa Nostra grants the European prize for cultural heritage and the Europa Nostra Award every year
After agreement on the  nancial reports and meeting reports, Diplomas were agreed for the forthcoming Congress in Vienna.
Excellent presentations concerning gardens/ community gardens and their importance to society were given by three scientists who have been doing research in this area for COST, which we have been participating in. The results of this are very positive, especially since prior to this research, allotments and community gardens were not really considered. They have now been
highlighted, their importance has been recognised and yet another good set of documents has been developed to strengthen every nations  ght for the increase and the preservation of the same thing. It is important that we co-operate in research regarding any aspect of allotments. These research documents contribute to policy making at many levels.
Our inclusion, once again, in Pesticide Action Week you will have already seen as it took place 20th - 30th March. I know that allotmenteers on the whole are actively gardening without the use of pesticides and we must try and spread this to other forms of gardening to protect our environment for the future.
Discussions on the resolution for the Vienna Congress were agreed. The theme for the Congress is “The expert advice of the future considering sustainability and responsible resource management”.
Three brochures will soon be available concerning innovative projects, children and nature and an information brochure. I once again encourage you to visit our national website for information locally and also to visit the international website to see what is happening elsewhere.
Karen Kenny Composting toilets for allotments, off-grid locations. Faerie-thyme, Crwbin, Kidwelly, SA17 5DR Tel: 01269 871774 Email:
Eco-loos.indd 1
A wide range of products to
assist with all your needs
Compost bins, water butts, puncture proof tyres, hedge cutting platforms & the well known & established Globe Shredders
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