Page 19 - Oundle Life June 2021
P. 19

                                   The Stone Cottage followed the very latest architectural fashions in London
1968 2008
their evolution over time. While visiting the Northamptonshire Records Office (NRO) I was able to review Estate Maps from 1817 and 1822 which clearly showed a building on this site. The 1822 map even included a name ‘Lodge Cottage.’ The later Ordnance Survey maps from 1886, 1900, and 1926 also show a clear building outline in the same location and of a similar size and shape which suggests little change between 1817 and 1926.
Finding building names on maps helps to further triangulate documentary records from the period such as Estate Accounts and Rent
Book entries which commonly at that time identified properties not by an address per-se, but by the name of the tenant. Interrogating
the estate records in the NRO I was able to identify when the property was built, the cost
of building it, and the people who rented the cottage from the Manor for more than 130 years until it was sold in 1920 as part of the great Barnwell Estate Sale.
I discovered that in 1788 a new estate cottage was built on church land within clear sight of Barnwell Castle and Manor House. In 1792, when recording a payment to William Coates,

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