Page 8 - Oundle Life June 2021
P. 8

                                 Oundle Life welcomes...
...a new face in the town
 It’s so good to see a new independent business make its home on the High Street. Oundle Life would like to welcome Jeremy Green to the town and wish him good luck with his gallery.
How long has the business been established?
I established The Canon Gallery in 1985 in Chichester, and before that I worked as a picture specialist at Sotheby’s in West Sussex and with London dealer W H Patterson.
When did you open in Oundle? I opened the gallery on 12th April; the first week that non- essential shops could open.
What made you choose the location? I
love the architecture of the street and it’s also near the main part of the town, which I felt
was important. Upstairs we look over a pretty garden next to The Talbot Hotel, so all in all the surroundings are very attractive.
Your favourite feature of the office? The building is Georgian so it feels right for the stock I sell. I have installed a wonderful elm shelf that furniture maker Gordon Monk found for me. It’s such a pleasure to look at this
fabulous piece of wood. Who says brown wood/ furniture is boring? It certainly is NOT!!
Who works in Oundle branch? I presently run the gallery with my wife Anne, however she already has a job running the BADA Friends charity, so we will be looking for help in the not too distant future.
What is the best thing about your job? It’s the thrill of finding those ‘sleepers’ at auction, and also the research that goes into correctly attributing a painting. The Giorgio De Chirico I purchased took me to Rome and the De Chirico Foundation to be authenticated. The picture was given its own certificate, which was only issued once, so was very precious. I sold it soon after that. It also gives me great pleasure when I see
a painting I have sold in situ and looking as if it was always meant for the space. Very satisfying.
What makes being in Oundle so perfect?
Oundle and the surrounding area is the ‘undiscovered’ Cotswolds. The area is full of history, from Fotheringhay Castle to Elton Hall. It’s a wonderful area for walking as well.

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