Page 26 - Oundle Life March 2022
P. 26

                                OUNDLE TREE TRAIL
New leaflet launch
  Spring is just around the corner and a NEW Tree Trail leaflet is about to launch in Oundle.
It has been created by a small group of volunteers, in association with Blooming Oundle, to highlight many beautiful trees growing around our historic town.
With its centrefold map, the leaflet allows the user to discover 47 different species of tree and enjoy their diverse foliage, blossom, fruits and seeds through the seasons whilst walking, cycling or driving around Oundle.
Thirty years ago a Tree Trail leaflet was compiled by the late Ioan Thomas. His leaflet inspired us to recreate a new trail for 2022 which includes several of the mature trees from the original map plus more recently planted trees. The new leaflet will, we hope, give the town’s residents and visitors a wonderful opportunity to get out and explore to the full what nature has to offer and have a ‘tree- mendous’ time!
It is surprisingly easy to pass by trees without really ever looking up into their leafy canopies, checking out their many colours
and noticing their individual features. When creating the trail we were amazed to find many of nature’s treasures quietly growing among
all the beautiful stone buildings of the town. Spending time in nature is good for our mental
and physical health. We hope that those who participate in the trail will enjoy discovering the trees highlighted and feel inspired to find out more about these enchanting giants growing in our town landscape.
The Oundle Tree Trail Leaflet draws attention to the value of trees to our environment.
It includes a page of interesting facts with illustrations about the trees featured and explains some of their individual characteristics. It is hoped our local schools will value the leaflet for its factual information and the opportunity it offers to fire up enquiring young minds with questions about the diversity of trees and a path to further exploring dendrology.
Copies of the FREE Tree Trail leaflet will
be available soon from Oundle Library or
the Oundle Bookshop. The leaflets have been printed locally by Inkwell Printers using environmentally friendly printing prac-tices. Any donations to help ensure printing of future leaflets would be most welcome.
Oundle Tree Trail Team - Anne Bowers, Julie Hollobone, Judy Potts and Talia Borley
   To donate please visit BloomingOundle or contact Talia Borley (07984 100376).

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