Page 28 - Oundle Life December 2021
P. 28

Hobbyists get together
  A new social group has started meeting once a month in Fletton House, and they call themselves ‘Oundle Makers’. Though primarily started as
a hobby group, they can be
better described as a group of
hobbyists instead. All hobbies
are welcome, from glass mosaic
to model-building, to quilting
and knitting – anyone who enjoys working with their hands is welcome in the group. They meet for a few hours on the fourth Tuesday
of each month to share hobbies over tea and chatter, occasionally doing more of the latter than the former!
The group was started in September by James Anderson, who had been trying to find a local hobby group since before the pandemic. When he was unable to find quite what he was looking for, he decided to start his own. They have
since met every month and enjoyed a variety of hobbies.
James said: “I thought it would be great if everyone brought a different project and we could all sit and chat about the things we enjoy while working at them. We meet once a month
at Fletton Hub and everyone just does their own thing. We only began in October, but we all had a good time, everyone was friendly.”
As the group is primarily a social gathering, any talk of business is strictly forbidden: the goal is to provide a relaxed environment to practise hobbies and not to make money. James has booked the room on a monthly basis for the next year and plans on running Oundle Makers for as long as people continue showing up.
   Oundle Makers meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month (excluding December), 7-9pm, Glapthorn Room, Fletton House
Cost: £3 per person, which helps to cover event insurance and room booking fees

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