Page 25 - 103RA 2018-20
P. 25
216th Battery
(The Bolton Artillery)
By Maj D Rawcliffe RA
I have now been in command of 216 (The Bolton Artillery) Bty RA for nearly 2 years, having left the regular Army in November 2018. Double hatted as the Community Engagement Liaison Officer for Greater Manchester and BC in the same period, I have enjoyed every minute of the assign- ment so far.
The Battery has seen a high turnaround of personnel during the last 3 years, the BC and WO2 (BSM) Paul Jeffcoate started their tours at the same time. The BK (Capt Joe Dempster) left the Army Reserve after almost 35 years and WO2 Mandy Partington moved to RHQ after 25 years to work with the ROSO as part of the Regi- mental Welfare Team.
Lt Walker was promoted in April 2019 and his daughter Alice was born in 2020. 2Lt Dave Beales commissioned from the rank of Bdr in 2019. WO2 Phil Johnson was promoted in January 2019, SSgt Mark Talbot re-joined the Army Reserve after a 10-year break, taking on the responsibility of the Bty Recruiting/Mentoring Team and SSgt Aitchison was promoted in March 2019.
A high number of SNCOs promoted in 2019 and 2020, Sgt Becky Woods, Sgt Dave Smith, Sgt Kate Jenkins, Sgt James Harrison and Sgt Chris Bulley. Sgt Chris Bulley was awarded the NAA Best Detachment Trophy and this helped the Regiment win the 2020 NAA Competition overall.
The Battery sadly lost
Sgt Clint Pye and Cpl Paul
Whittle, the funerals were
attended by hundreds,
they came from far and
wide to say farewell to two
very popular members of the Bty, they are sadly missed by all.
Cpl Gill Gallagher transferred to the RLC in December 2019, completing her Chef level 1 course in January 2020. She took over from Sgt Chris Hutchinson, who left the Reserve having served over 30 years as a Chef. Cpl Gill Gallagher was awarded a CO’s Silver Coin for her efforts in repre- senting the Army in Dressage.
RA as an ARO.
The Bty strength has grown from 27 to
Bdr Kieron Carroll was promoted in Jul
19 and the Bty was very lucky to secure
the transfers of Bdr Oli Panaro, Bdr Joe
Dyment and Bdr Joe Gemmell, all of whom
joined straight from the Regular Army.
Bdr McClarence is currently mobilised at
ATR (Grantham), where he
is employed as an Instructor. LBdr Barlow
LBdr Jerome Higgins and was awarded a
LBdr Adam Barlow promoted CO’s Bronze Coin
to leave the Bty short on Gnr
ranks, but both deserved their
promotions having placed top
students on a PNCO Course
and a Level 3 course. LBdr
Barlow was awarded a CO’s
Bronze Coin for his efforts on
the Level 3 Guns Course and
being a member of the NAA of the NAA Best Morale remains high in
Best Detachment.
SSgt Bri Healey and LBdr
216 Bty even throughout the pandemic, we look forward to returning to some form of normality and getting back to
Tony Green became the Engagement ‘go to’ men, representing the Regiment at all major events in the North West Region in 2019. LBdr Tony Green celebrated a new arrival,
his daughter Wallace was born in 2019. LBdr Graham continues to referee at a high level and is hugely involved with the FA.
Mrs Michelle Hampson was awarded a NW RFCA Lord Lieutenant’s Award at Gorton Monastery for her administration efforts and she also picked up a RA CPD Cell Award as Reserve Learner of the Year for her efforts in Business Administration Level 3.
Capt Wayne Illingworth (PSAO) was selected to be the team Capt of the Regi-
mental Snowboarding Team, retaining the Reserve Snowboarding Team Winners Trophy in 2020. SSgt Rob Culf (Tech SSgt) continues to be involved in Army Table Tennis and Sgt Kris Dorner (PSI) took a team to South Africa to take part in a Military Skills Competition. WO2 Andy Walsh has returned to the Bty for a second tour as the SPSI, taking over from WO2 Dougie Deacon who was posted to 4 Regt
into training, but more importantly social- ising and having fun.
for his efforts on the Level 3 Guns Course and being a member
The Bty has 4 Reserve Soldiers in Gourley Troop, all going through the Reserve potential Officer process, Gnr Max Hampson, Gnr Chris Hughes, Gnr James Entwistle and Gnr Tom Stretton.
42 effective, we welcome back Gnr Craig Brook, Gnr Nathan Diggle and Gnr Johnny Smith. New arrivals include Gnr Conway
Martin, Gnr
Chris Hughes from 104 Regt RA, Gnr Tom Stretton from Liverpool UOTC, Gnr Ash Pendlebury, Gnr Michael, Rawcliffe and Pte Beth Rothwell.
Mrs Michelle Hampson was awarded a NW RFCA Lord Lieutenant’s Award at Gorton Monastery for her administration efforts
Annual Deployment Exercise 2018/19
Each year 103 Regt RA deploys on its Annual Deployment Exercise (ADE). This is traditionally designed to test the Regiment by deploying and conducting at least a week of field-firing, as well as an opportu- nity to develop team cohesion and esprit de corps by undertaking challenging adventurous training.
To that end, the Regiment has deployed over the previous two years to Otterburn Training Area in Northumberland, a location well known to generations of Gunners regular and reserve alike!