Page 38 - 103RA 2018-20
P. 38
103 Regiment Royal Artillery
(Prince of Wales) Troop
By Capt A Barchard RA
HQ Troop has been designated as OP troop for the last 3+ years and has continued to thrive and provide the core of OP trained personnel on the Regiment’s live and dry training. The following is a summary of the last three years.
The Troop were invited onto the pitch before a St Helens rugby game at the Totally Wicked Stadium before deploying to Capel Curig for a weekend of adventure training on Ex Furnace 2.
The Troop deployed a recruiting stand to Victoria Park on St Helens Armed Forces day, enjoying the fine sunshine and considerable public interest.
Courses camp at Otterburn saw Lt Barchard qualify as a CPO, Gnr Fisher as an OP A L2 and LBdr Connor as a Matt 9 C-XO instructor; shortly before Matt 9 was discontinued for us as reservists. Sgt McCann and WO2 Waters provided instruction on courses conducted during the camp, including the C-XO instructor course and PNCO/JNCO cadre.
In the Autumn, Lt Barchard attended the SCOC course at Sandhurst confirming his promotion to Captain. At the end of the year, the Troop Commander baton was passed from Capt Rob McBride, upon his retirement from the reserves, to Capt Barchard. Pte Chadderton was also promoted to LCpl.
Gnr Jess Connolly departed the Troop for a gun-role at 208 Bty. The
Troop also lost its TSM, WO2
Tank Waters, who transferred
to the RLC in the Midlands.
Gnr Jones began the year by
completing Ex Wessex Storm
on Salisbury plain with 3 RHA, performing well alongside his regular peers in the CP.
In 2019 we also welcomed several trans- ferees to the Troop; including Gnr Wilson (ex-156 Regt RLC) and LBdr Naylor (ex-reg RLC).
We had several volunteers for the Regiment’s Cambrian Patrol team, who conducted training with SPSI 208 Bty, however unfortunately there were insuffi- cient numbers to enter the event later in the year.
Sgt McCann and Capt Barchard completed a TRiM course with 2 LANCS at Weeton Barracks. Capt Barchard and
Gnr Millar also attended the M Qual course on Leek training area.
The Troop deployed to the National Memorial Arboretum for a CLM-themed Ex Furnace, obtaining funding from the RAA to do so.
Gnr Jones completed a regular PNCO cadre, qualified as an OP A L2 and was rewarded for his efforts with promotion to LBdr. Gnr Nisbet also attended a camp with 104 Regiment, completing the RA Comms course.
The Troop sent several members back to Otterburn on 103 Regiment’s annual camp, including Gnr Fisher in the role.
Gnr Lyons and Gnr Leslie successfully completed basic training and members of the Troop welcomed them to the fold as they passed off the square at Altcar.
Bdr Brazier continued her return to re-qualifying as a PTI by completing the pre-requisite ETL course in Aldershot.
Gnr Millar was successful at AOSB and subsequently completed MOD B at Sandhurst. OCdt Millar is the Troop Commander-designate, pending comple- tion of MODs C and D in 2020/2021.
HQ Troop moved to new real estate at Jubilee Barracks, in the site formerly occupied by 4 PARA. The aspiration is to install a VBS suite at this location to supplement OP-training on site.
At the start of the year, Gnr Wilson, Gnr Lyons and Gnr Trotter completed their RA Comms course. LBdr Jones, LCpl
Chadderton and Gnr Fisher also completed SDC driver training.
Captain Barchard organised Ex Resurgam Ubique, the regiment’s battle- field study to France, and several members of the Troop were able to attend this event prior to the implementation of Covid-19 restrictions on exercises and travel.
There was a significant response from members of the Troop to the request for volunteers for mobilisation on Op RESCRIPT, however in the end none were required.
In August we will welcome a new TSM, SSgt Smith from NWOTR, who will be employed in a full-time position within the troop.
Going forward, HQ Troop will be merging with 209 Battery and growing an additional gun troop to supplement the OP troop at RHQ. This sees us return to the Battery after a number of years away and is a return to the ways of old for some of the longer-serving troop members.
HQ Troop will be merging with 209 Battery