Page 125 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
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Germany. On completion of his National Service Harry returned to his native Scotland and joined the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry. In civilian life he worked as an undertaker which he did for many years. In 1992 after a visit to the Regiment in Detmold Harry and his old friend Chick Anderson were persuaded to form an asso- ciation branch in Kirkcaldy by Major Jim Walls. With Harry as Chairman and Chick as Secretary the branch was formed which lasted for 25 years. The neatest of writers Harry’s branch accounts were immaculate. It was always a pleasure to see Harry and Enid his wife at functions and he would often travel to Newcastle with other mem- bers of his branch to celebrate Sahagun. Sadly Enid died on 2 Apr 22 and they will be both missed by all that knew them.
Mr M J Ratcliffe
Served: 1960-84 Died 9 Aug 22.
Mally was a Manchester lad. After leaving school he joined the army as a boy soldier. He was then posted to the 15/19H in Munster, West Germany to B Squadron. Because Mally was a skilled boxer and a talented
footballer, he joined both regimental teams, he was part of the boxing team who won the Army Trophy in 1963. In 1966 he met and married his lady wife Joan. In the same year he was part of an elite regimen-
Mr K A Scott
Served: 1966-82 Died: 4 Sep 22.
We were informed by Kevin’s daughter Julie that he had sadly died aged 72 years of age. Kev joined the army in 1966 and after com- pleting his basic training joined the Regiment in Munster, Germany.
Jimmy Frankland as he was known in the Regiment, joined in 1963. He inherited the title of Sir James Frankland Bt on the death of his father, Sir “Dod” Frankland, in a tank accident whilst a serving officer with 15/19th Hussars in 1945. Jimmy never professed to having ambitions to become a long term regular soldier but rather throw his heart and soul into being a good Troop Leader and take part in all aspects of Regimental Life. He was extremely popular with all ranks, being sensible, fair and very amusing! Two stories that are remembered by those who served with him. Firstly, his stepfather thought that, as a Cavalry Officer, he should have a horse. He sent over from England a huge bay thoroughbred named “Toby”, well up to carrying Jimmy’s 6ft 4 inch frame!. On this steed along with 3 others of us we ven- tured off to the local German Draghounds for a Meet in the Forest. Toby was a fierce “puller” and headed to the first forest ride barrier at great speed. He barely took off and Jimmy flew off into a bush. We got him remounted and off we went again, only for the same misfortune to happen again a few minutes later. Jimmy looked shaken so we returned back to the gasthaus where we had met. The Germans soon joined us and congratulated Jimmy on his horsemanship and great courage, proposing “Health” with several “toasts” of Schnapps. Jimmy finally said that he had a bit of a headache, so we went back to barracks and put him to bed, saying he would be fine in the morning. Next morning, headache still persisting, so ranhimdowntoBMHMunster.Hewas diagnosed with a fractured skull! Secondly, being a keen shot, he went off to the local Garrison Shoot on the Training Area. The Garrison Colonel, nothing to do with the Regt gave a safety instructions meeting. Shortly afterwards the said Col fired at a scurrying rabbit, bowled it over almost at
We were informed by Harry’s daughter Agnes that he had died aged 91. Harry was called up to carry out his National Service in 1952 and after completing his basic training he joined the Regiment in Neumunster in
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
Mr P Chester
Served: 1957-79 Died 18 Jul 22.
We were informed by Peter’s daughter Tammy that sadly her father had died aged 82 years of age. Charlie as he was known in the Regiment joined the Regiment after completing his basic training in Northern Ireland. Charlie also saw service in Germany and Northern Ireland and completed 22 years service and attained the rank of SSgt. After leaving the Army he and his family settled in the Midlands and he worked for the MOD. Charlies leaves behind his three daughters and their families.
Mr H Mitchell
Served: 1952-54. Died: 1 Aug 22.
tal tank troop who represented the British Army in the Canadian Army Trophy Competition. During his army career he served with the regiment in Tidworth, Fallingbostel, Cyprus, Paderborn includ- ing 5 tours of Northern Ireland and a short tour of Canada. Mally and Joan were a very popular couple in the Regiment, they were always there for everyone and took part in the regimental social functions. His last ERE posting was as a recruiter in the Durham army recruiting office. In 1984 Mally retired to Fleetwood, Lancashire where he and Joan ran a guest house, he soon became involved in local affairs. He was elected as a Labour Councillor in Fleetwood and was also a civilian Families Welfare Officer for the army based in Fulwood Barracks, Preston. In the early 1990s Mally developed Parkinson’s Disease which in the end sadly took his life. Mally and Joan were still members of the north west branch of the Regimental Association. Despite his difficulties they attended all reunion dinners and branch functions. Mally is survived by his wife Joan and daughters Julia, Gayle and Virginia and their respective families. He will be sadly missed.
driving instructor and taught many of the regimental wives how to drive, he even- tually became a qualified testing officer. Thereafter he was posted to Durham as an army recruiting sergeant for two years in 1975. In 1978 Dennis was promoted to WO2 and appointed Regimental training Warrant Officer. Dennis completed a full career with the Regiment in Germany, Northern Ireland, Cyprus and the UK, he left the army in 1984. After leaving, he settled in Tees-side and became a long-dis- tance lorry driver and thereafter he moved to Blyth and became a prison officer at HMP Acklington. When Dennis retired from civilian employment he moved to Spain. After many years ill health forced him to return to the UK where he sadly died at the age of 78. Dennis is survived by his son Andrew, Andrew’s partner Brenda, and grandchildren, Daniel, David and Jake – he will be sadly missed.
The Lord Zouche
Served: 1963-68 Died: 21 Sep 22.
Whilst with the Regiment he saw service in Northern Ireland, Canada, USA, Hong Kong and Cyprus. He was awarded the GSM with NI Clasp and the LS and GC Medal. He was posted to The Queen’s Own Yeomanry and it was whilst serving in Newcastle that he decided to leave the Army after completing 16 years service and attaining the rank of Sgt. After leaving the Army Kev joined Northumbria Police where he served until retirement settling in Whitburn. Kev is survived by his wife Dorothy.
Mr D D S Cooper
Served: 1962-84 Died: 25 Sep 22.
Dennis was born in Tow Law Co Durham. Afterleavingschoolattheageof15he worked as a shepherd in the Wear dale area, however, this was not the life for him so he decided to join the army. In 1962, after completing his basic training at Catterick he joined the 15/19 Hussars in Munster West Germany. During this part of his army career, Dennis became a