Page 56 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 56

                                  The Light Dragoons Nordic Ski Team had a successful season which started at the Royal Armoured Corps Training Camp in Beitostolen, Norway and fin- ished at the Army Championships in Ruhpolding, Germany.
Managed by Lt Ellis and captained by Lt Hare, the 10-person strong team departed Catterick on Saturday 26 November on a journey that could only be trumped by the Odyssey itself. Traveling through borders and seas with biathlon rifles, ammuni- tion, and enough skis to sink a ship, the team eventually arrived in Germany to board the StenaLine ferry to Gothenburg, Sweden. The conditions were set for ski- ing success when the team won the musi- cal pub quiz onboard. An unbeatable (and questionable) 11/10 score saw the lads accept their victory gracefully and sing a karaoke rendition of “Ho Hey”, much to the enjoyment of other ferry members.
On arrival in Beitostølen, the team com- menced the eat-ski-shoot-repeat sched-
Nordic Skiing
ule immediately. Each day saw the team assemble at 0700 for a mobility session to prepare for a 2-hour morning ski session mentally and physically. The afternoons entailed a further 2-hour ski session, often involving the .22 biathlon rifles, where the soldiers practiced their marksmanship on the range - a challenge in itself due to the minus 20°C temperatures with a raised heartrate!
The team was split into groups based on ability which enabled the training and coaching to be pitched at the right level. This gave the more experienced skiers a fitness-focussed programme, while allow- ing novices to learn basics of the sport at the appropriate pace. Training was led by Marc Walker, an ex-RLC and former GB athlete, with a team of former high- performance British athletes and local Norwegian coaches to whom the team are indebted for their patience and wisdom.
For the first week, the team were intro- duced to the skate style of Nordic skiing
and the biathlon discipline. Evening ses- sions saw the team learn dry rifle drills and firing positions, which proved to be a unique challenge with skis on! The second week turned its focus to classic style cross- country skiing and honed the team’s range skills further. The final week of the camp culminated in races to prepare the team for the RAC Championships in France in January. The races reflected the team’s hard work and saw many of the team’s nov- ices deliver impressive results. The classic 10km race was unfortunately cancelled due to temperatures of -22°C - as no racing is allowed in Norway in temperatures below -19°C.
A guest appearance was made by ex-team captain, Harry Geaves, who drove up from Oslo to visit the team for an evening and jumped at the opportunity to race the fol- lowing day in a mixed regimental team wearing the LDs lycra.
Where time allowed, the training pro- gramme was supplemented with some
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
       Lt Hare finds her preferred mode of transport
RAC Championships, Serre Chevalier
Tpr Keaton makes easy work of Herringbone Hill

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