Page 94 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 94

                                 In 2022 the Queens Own Yeomanry cele- brated its 50th year anniversary, albeit 12 months late due to Covid. The Regiment conducted a number of parades, includ- ing exercising their freedom of Wigan and York, where A Sqn paraded through the city lead by Yeoman on horseback and fol- lowed up by JACKAL. Coincidently, it was also 75 years since the first official affilia- tion between the Queens Own Yeomanry and Light Dragoons. One of our anteced- ent Regiments. The Northumberland Hussars were officially affiliated with the 15th/19th King’s Royal Hussars in 1947, when headquarters of the 15th/19th moved to Newcastle. The relationship be traced back to the 1880s. Another connection to one of the QOYs antecedent Regiments is the Cheshire Yeomanry’s presence at Peterloo along with the 15th Hussars back in 1819, but the less said about that the better... The affiliation has continued over recent years between both regiments and this last year has been no different with plenty of joint training.
The Light Dragoons have supported a number of Queens Own Yeomanry train- ing courses, providing instructors and equipment. which without, the courses would have not been able to go ahead. In return, the Queens Own Yeomanry have provided course allocation and trained amanyLight Dragoons, notably in April 22 on ranges in Warcop. Although it has not all been work, soldiers and officers from both units headed out to Cyprus in June 22 for a diving expedition planned and delivered by the Queens Own Yeomanry, this saw a numerous individuals gain their BSAC Ocean Diver qualification.
The main Activity of the year for the Queens own Yeomanry, involved eight Queens Own Yeoman deployed with B Sqn to Oman, fully integrating with the Troops. This was a great opportunity for the reserv-
ists to experience an overseas exercise and see how our regular paired unit operates. Equally it gave B Sqn the chance to see what a reservist can bring to the team. Each reservist has a different background and civilian employment, which can be very useful in promoting diversity of thought and having someone with a different point of view to help shape the plan. One of the many strengths a reservist can bring to a regular unit. All the Yeoman who deployed came back having gained some great mem- ories and experience, which is valuable not only to those individuals but to the wider Regiment, both in terms of promoting future attachments and passing on that experience in future training serials.
Ex GALLOPING DRAGOON planned between both Regiments, with Maj Lees the XO and Maj Cuthbertson conjur- ing up some real time scenarios to con- duct Collective Training in the Galloway
Forrest. Two Sqns, A Sqn LD and the Duke of Westminster Sqn, QOY were pit- ted against a cunning force of Legionaries from C Sqn LD. This was only the sec- ond mounted exercise the Queens Own Yeoman have conducted in a number of years and was the first for many of our troops. Working alongside a regular sub- unit, against a live enemy proved to be a valuable training opportunity, and the Yeoman were not found wanting. The exercise was a success and demonstrated the utility both units can offer each other, not just in training, but when conducting planning, overseas exercises and ultimately in a warfighting scenario.
There is a strong Light Dragoon cohort amongst the regular Permanent Staff, led by Maj Lees, the XO and WO2 Bowman, the Training Warrant officer. There is at least one Permanent Staff Instructor at each Sqn, including Sgts Hewson, Coulthard, Widdison and Abbot. WO2 Ford still serves on FTRS as the MTWO and we have many ex Light Dragoons now wearing the QOY capbadge, across all ranks. However, there is always space for more, we welcome WO1(RSM) Martin in April 2023 and we would delighted to welcome anyone who has left the Army, or is leaving, and wishes to join the Army Reserve at any of our Sqns at Newcastle, York, Chester and Wigan.
It has been a busy year and we have exploited every opportunity to conduct joint training, hopefully moving forward this can become routine and both units can benefit from the long-standing affiliation.
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 Affiliated Regiments The Queen’s Own Yeomanry

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