Page 43 - 1RHA 2023
P. 43
LBdr Ben Whitrod tucks in going round a gate
SSgt ‘Frankie’ Curran in the starting gate on a training run
LBdr Mark Birkett expertly tackles the slalom course
LBdr Ben Whitrod coming out of the gates on the Grand Slalom course
Post race team photo – many thanks to RACPD for sponsorship
The 1RHA Alpine Team with their trophy haul. (Front row L-R: LBdr Godsmark, Bdr Sedcole, LBdr Whitrod, Bdr Cottrell) (Back row L-R: LBdr Birkett,
Lt Leigh, SSgt Curran, Lt Newnham)
SSgt ‘Frankie’ Curran takes 1st place on the podium
An alpine sunrise over a cloud inversion
Bdrs Cottrell and Sedcole, and LBdrs Godsmark and Whitrod hanging out with the Alp D’Huez Cow
Bdr Jennifer Cottrell on the podium in second place