Page 9 - Simply Veg 1 2024
P. 9

 Japanese onion harvest
 Kale Black Magic
 Kale Redbor
 Mixed Herbs in container
                                     eye open and report any you see. Barry Newman returns with an opinion on judges handling exhibits when judging; if you are a judge, please have a read. I would like to welcome one of our Irish members Noel Cavanagh who gives us the benefit of his experience at growing Cape Gooseberries; don’t let then seed or they will come up for years!
Gerry Edwards returns with an article on growing fruit in a greenhouse which is well worth a try if you have space and there is a range of fruit to try. I had an excellent crop of grapes this year and could not eat them fast enough, I should have tried to store some but did not think at the time.
Emily Harris gives feedback on growing potatoes in coir which as peat becomes less available, we will have to consider
for container growing. I think it was only the Southern Branch that held a judge’s exam last year and Keith Hine tells how it went. Our membership secretary Norman Dickinson gives the latest statistics on
membership, the society is steady but more members would make a difference increasing our funds to provide better services.
Geoff Wilson gives details on the National Championships held at Newby Hall last year and also the results which show which cultivars are amongst the winners. Derek Brooks continues his series on seasonal jobs to remind you what to
do in the garden and greenhouse to help make maximum use of your plot. Finally, but by no means least is an excellent article on growing tomatoes by Keith Chambers of the Northern Branch, anyone thinking of growing tomatoes for exhibition should read this in fact anyone who grows tomatoes could learn from his advice.
I would like to thank all contributors who have sent articles and also the sub-editors who send the Branch News for their efforts; the magazine would not happen without them. It would be nice to receive reports from D.A’s who do not submit regular news
charles dowding range cd15 cd30 cd60
or even any news. I know social media, the NVS website and may be the D.A website are good forms of communication but not everyone uses these and a short report reminds people of your existence and is useful to advertise future events. A report on your events would be very useful for members in rural areas who cannot travel any distance to meetings or events. A brief report giving the main details of the talk at least means they get to learn some of the information and feel part of the D.A and NVS. So, while the nights are dark put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and send a report or two, my memory stick is ready and waiting.
Happy Growing.
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  Simply Vegetables 9

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