Page 130 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 130

Detail of breech with the name of the Royal Gun Foundry Superintendent
‘Captain of the Company of Gentleman Cadets’ at the Royal Military Academy Woolwich, and as such he was responsible for their drill, discipline and what in today’s parlance would be known as their ‘well-being’. Eardley-Wilmot had been appointed after a period of considerable indisci- pline and bullying had prevailed at the RMA but brought with him a Christian zeal with which to ameliorate and correct such behaviour. Indeed, as a devout Christian he saw the posting as a call from God, a fact he recognised as such as he did not view the prospect of the position with great relish. However, his efforts to instil ethos and get the cadets to see themselves as future of cers, and not as schoolboys, produced ben- e cial results. A portrait now hangs of him in the Old College Headquarters – a  tting place, for Old College is where the Junior Term begin their training and Eardley-Wilmot’s guns are placed.
In Part 2 of this article I will look at the Crimean War guns and cover conservation issues sur- rounding the guns.
Bronze 6 pdr, 6 cwt, 1859
The second gun has very similar statistics to the previous except the weight is 4 lbs heavier.
Bronze 6 pdr, 6 cwt, 1812
Additional markings:
Range of Projectile:
I. [ohn] & H. [enry] King, 1812 (Royal Gun Foundry Woolwich)
95 mm
683 lbs (309 kg)
English weight marking ‘6-0-11’; Cypher of King George III; Monogram of the Master-General of Ordnance, Earl of Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, 1810-1819
Ball: 800 – 900 m
This gun (1621) is noted in the proof register as proved on the 31st July 1812.
Additional markings:
Range of Projectile:
FM Eardley-Wilmot (Royal Gun Foundry Woolwich)
95 mm
674 lbs (306 kg)
English weight marking ‘6-0-2; Cypher of Queen Victoria; ‘1859’ on left trunnion
Ball: 1,300 m
Additional markings:
Range of Projectile:
I. [ohn] & H. [enry] King, 1812 (Royal Gun Foundry Woolwich)
95 mm
688 lbs (312 kg)
English weight marking ‘6-0-16’; Cypher of King George III; Monogram of the Master-General of Ordnance, Earl of Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, 1810-1819; ‘MDCXXIV’ on 2nd reinforce matches ‘1624’ on right trunnion
Ball: 800 – 900 m
This gun (1624) is noted in the proof register as proved on 31 August 1812.

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