Page 73 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 73
For years, “Lucknow Platoon” are words no Of cer Cadet wanted to hear, and no staff truly wished to speak. The prospects of the
dingy Old College basement and an extra term or two at “The Factory” were thoughts that made the cadets shudder; it was almost unthinkable, until now... (queue epic montage music).
Lucknow Platoon has progressed over the last twelve months towards a personal and profes- sional development hub, focused on the physi- cal and mental rehabilitation of injured Of cer Cadets. The aim is to ensure they have the best opportunity to return to training, and if they do, they return at the top of their
in Current Unit (RECU) process, then Lucknow Platoon offers them all the above opportunities for development, so that they have the best prospects possible on “civvie street”; which allows them to be the best version of themselves in another career.
The daily life of a Lucknovian (the wonderful name given to Lucknow Platoon Of cer Cadets) is split into two halves. The rst half of the day is dedicated to rehabilitation. This consists of between two and four hours of physical training and specialist rehabilitation lead by the physi- otherapy department. These sessions are again
split into two categories; ‘earlies’ for cadets in the initial stages of recov- ery and rehabilitation and the ‘lates’, for cadets preparing to return to training. During these sessions the ‘earlies’ focus speci cally on their Individual Programmes (IPs) that are both tailored to rehabilitate their spe- ci c injury, and prevent future injuries. The ‘lates’ focus on more functional
based training consisting of high intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions, strength and condition- ing and tabbing to develop their military tness ready to perform on the CC. This often results in Of cer Cadets returning to the CC tter, stronger
game, excelling in all areas of the
course, with a broadened sense
of Of cership that you don’t get
the time to develop on the Com-
missioning Course (CC). If cadets
apply themselves whilst in the pla-
toon, it can reinvigorate their time
at the Academy, or break through
to a new level of excellence that
facilitates the commissioning of a more rounded young Of cer; indeed, Lucknow Platoon is proud to have nurtured multiple Sword of Honour win- ners. If, however, an Of cer Cadet nds himself on the wrong side of the Restricted Employment
CBRN Training
Lucknow or Never
OCdt Debbage, OCdt Mackaness and OCdt Thaker
...which allows them to be the best version of themselves in another career.