Page 122 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 122

Of cers’ Mess
A busy year for the Of cers’ Mess has been  of the Bulford Chiefs, the Mess Sports team, which
‘Stoppage Top Half’ - the new Mess Painting
dominated by the move from our home in Germany to a different type of Mess in Bulford. There has been time for a number of highly successful social events, from an Alice in Wonderland Summer Party (complete with rabbit hole, Mad Hatters and  amingo croquet) to the Sounding Retreat back in Bulford.
The farewell parade in Paderborn was the high water mark of the social calendar in 2016. The Mess hosted our Royal Colonel HRH The Countess of Wessex, all seven Commanding Of cers from our time in Germany, and many other Battalion friends and local dignitaries. Following the Farewell Parade the guests all retreated to the Mess for a champagne reception and the unveiling of the new picture commissioned for the Mess’ departure from Germany, titled by the subalterns “Stoppage Top Half” in honour of time spent on the ranges in Sennelager.
After unloading 6 ISO containers in the UK, it took some time to establish in our new home. With much hard work, trial and error, and the kind help of Maj (Ret’d) Rob Yuill from RHQ we managed to layout and decorate the new Mess. In September Sounding Retreat brought CGS, General Sir Nick Carter, to the Mess after taking the salute. 130 guests including the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire and other local dignitaries enjoyed occasion – and a superb curry supper.
Over the course of the year the livers-in have had a number of successful outings or ‘G11’ as they are known, notably to Hamburg and Dusseldorf. The Mess has also been active in the sporting  eld. Of cers have featured strongly in the Battalion rugby team as well as representing the Bn in Cricket and cross country. Our arrival in Bulford saw the creation
had its  rst cricket season this summer with mixed success in the  eld. The QM has made no friends with his refusal to build a cricket net for the Mess to practise its skills!
Bulford has also welcomed a number of visitors, for diplomatic gestures – the Estonian Ambas- sador to London became a familiar face - and for informal educational ‘ reside chats’ in advance of Op CABRIT, notably from Vice-Admiral Simon Lister and Commander David Fields. We were able to  t in several dinner nights before we deployed, as well as several good exchanges with the Sjts’ Mess as we settled in. There are aspirations for wild revelry as we become more established, with a good reputation born of German summers to uphold.
A number of people moved on this year, notably Maj Jim Had eld moved across to take over as Chief of Staff 20 Bde, Maj Andy Husband was packed off to Jordan having promoted to Lieutenant Colonel to be replaced by Maj Jim Bates, an old face and friend of the Mess, who moved on himself upon promotion to command Glasgow and Strathclyde UOTC. After deploying with his Battalion to Estonia, Lt Col Mark Wilson left us for the ADOC and Lt Col Andrew Ridland assumed command in June. As always the moving on of some allows others to join the Mess. The new faces of Lieutenants Mike Macbeth, Luke Kemp, Chris Needham, Dan Smith and Alex Andreoli all look to make their mark. Alex and Dan even managed to smuggle their way out to Estonia for a brief period!
The Mess has gone from strength to strength and we must say a thank you to all the staff who have helped look after us and support us over the course of the year.
Maj Matt Helsby PMC
(R-L) The CO, PMC, Capts McColl, Hewetson and Cantrell at the end of the Tallinn Tough Guy

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