Page 125 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 125

Ex Steppe Eagle Kazakhstan
I’ve recently returned from just under 2 weeks in Kazakhstan helping to train the Kazakhstani Airborne forces prior to their NATO peace keeping assessment. During the Exercise, I worked with multiple nations including the USA, Tajikistan, Kurdistan, Turkey and many others. My integration with the Regulars from C Company, 1 RIFLES was fantastic; every member of the training team I was with made an effort to welcome me into their ranks and get to know me. By the end of my time spent with the Ri emen I felt like a Regular also. I would encourage other Reservists to spend as much time as possible with Regular Ri emen to deepen the bond already established between 1 and 6 RIFLES respectively. I look forward to spending more and more time with 1RIFLES in the future.
LCpl Proe
L/Cpl Proe (Bottom Right) Ex STEPPE EAGLE, Kazakhstan
The 2nd of July saw a platoon from 1st Battalion The Ri es deploy to Kenya with a number of 6 Ri es soldiers amongst them. We were to spend 5 weeks as Force Protection Platoon in BATUK, guarding the two main locations in Nanyuki: Nanyuki Show Ground and Laikipia Air Base – East. We all knew the work side of being in Kenya would prove to be rather mundane, and we weren’t wrong, with the days amounting to manning sentry positions or running the Ops room.
Of course it wasn’t all fun whilst we were there. Whilst working, the platoon was kept busy, conducting rehearsals and immediate action drills daily under their section commanders; as well as making the most of the gym facilities at both locations to push their  tness.
Our days off were a different story all together, and with 3 days off in 9 there were plenty of them to make the most of. Every man in the platoon was entitled to a 3-day Adventurous Training package at either Rift Valley Adventure doing land based activ- ities, or Savage Wilderness doing more water based activities such as white-water rafting and kayaking.
Rfn Goode speaks of his experience on AT: ‘my highlight was visiting Rift Valley adventure, where there was plenty to do and learn! There were a number of obstacles and climbs on the way up to the main destination, also beautiful waterfalls to jump off into warm springs below! There were different heights of waterfalls along the way to jump off for the adrenaline junkies of the groups. There was also a very enjoyable 30-meter-high rock climb.’
As well as AT there was plenty else the platoon got up to in their free time. Most of the guys organised Safaris in their own time at Ol Pejeta Safari Park, which has the most wild game per square kilometre than any other conservation park in Africa. Whilst there everyone managed to see the big  ve!
All in all our time with BATUK in Kenya has been enjoyed by all. The sun and warmth has come as a welcome break, and the extra pay is just an added
bonus! That being said, everyone is looking forward to heading home next week, weighed down by the numerous local carvings everyone seems to have bought.
2Lt Conor Cassidy
An interesting carving
Time off from Force Protection, chance to see the big 5. Two rare Black Rhinos

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