Page 143 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 143
F Company
Shortly before Christmas leave F Company received a warning order to resubordinate out of 7 RIFLES as part of AR2020(R). F Company under- stand the intent behind A2020(R) – to create a better integrated Army of Regular and Reserve components – many viewing the move to a higher readiness with 20 Armoured Brigade under the Reactive Force Div (3XX) as a reward to 7 RIFLES. Army Reserves were also pleased to see the wider Regimental family grow to include 8 RIFLES. F Company continues to wait for an implementation order before Ri emen make their choice as to where they can go, but ECAB’s direction that F Company keep our RIFLES cap-badge in all forms of dress and remain within the wider Regimental family, has been welcome. Concurrently we are also dealing with the uncertainty of relocation from Davies Street, the RIFLES’s London home; the current planning yardstick is a move in late 2017. Whilst ‘Op MOLTON’ has been underway for some time, and all Ri emen understand the practicalities, Davies Street is not just a home, but a convenient location to get to from work and go home from after training events. Reservists can negotiate complexity, but substituting complexity with consistency enables our narrow window of opportunity to be wholly focussed on training toward tasks. Recognising that F Company is currently at its strongest in my fteen years of association with it, I cannot help but indulge myself on what might have been without the complexities of the last nine months.
F Company Activities
We continue to grow in both quality, (through progressive training and deployed tasks), and in quantity, (through the hard-work of the Company recruiting and recruit training teams). At the centre is a motivated and regularly attending core, capable of safely planning and running its own training and G1-9 taskings. We have worked hard to retain and increase trained personnel and provide capability to our paired Battalion and the wider Regiment.
• Manning. F Company has been operating at 100% manning for some time, and is on the cusp of 100% trained strength. Two newly trained Sections passing Phase 1B and Phase 2 CIC in September will hit our trained manpower target. We recruit well from other units and from ex-Reg- ulars and continue to send Ri emen to Regular and Reserve Commissioning courses. Much of 7 RIFLES’ Reserve Of cer recruiting comes through F Company.
• Recruit Training. This is everyone’s business and newcomers are made to feel part of the Company from day one. We invest heavily in our Company Recruiting Team (CRT) and Recruit Mentoring and Training Team (RMTT), posting quality instructors and double hatting our G4/6 teams to support. The RMTT’s dedicated instructors for each training group (pre-Phase 1 Alpha, pre-Phase 1 Bravo, pre-Phase 2 CIC), ensure slick transitions between each and clear handovers of applicants from the CRT upon passing selection and trained manpower to the Ri e Platoons upon CIC pass.
This has ensured minimum wastage through this lengthy process. F Company’s RMTT also runs recruit battle eld tours and team cohesion events, and LF 5-9 range packages (not taught on Phase 1B) on behalf of the Battalion to best prepare 7 RIFLES recruits for CIC. It was tting that CSjt Neil Campbell (RMTT 2IC and Chief Instructor) was named London Reservist of the Year. His achievement is a marker for a very strong and successful team.
• Training. Our ‘all in it together’ mentality to training irrespective of rank and role and our consistent training battle rhythm and SOIs help provide quality and quantity on Battalion and Company exercises. We closely review what must be taught with what motivates people to attend after a long day at work, and have found the right balance between teach, practice, ‘test’. We emphasise self-assessment rather than “DS led test”, practice by battle exercises and learn ‘by doing’. Rank-ranged development training under mentors has shared best practice, our Mortar Platoon No1s and medics have been invested in as deployable assets, and the focus on Sections and JNCO development has reaped dividends. We continue to grow a learning culture and foster a climate of humility where each Ri eman plays to his strengths, and supports others’ weaknesses. There is competition in everything we do, and tness, tness, tness. As a result, we were crowned Champion Company after the recent BALTIC Series of training exercises. Furthermore, and more than some Reserve Infantry Battalions in total, over 50 members of F Company achieved Certi cate of Ef ciency (CoE).
• Tasks. The operational focus for 7 RIFLES on Defence Engagement (DE) and Short-Term Training Teams (STTTs) has helped retention of capability and motivates all ranks, noting Reservists often deliver wider and deeper value by civilian ‘ADQUALS’. Following a strong showing in MALAWI training Malawian Defence Force in Recce skills, F Company has supported STTTs in SOUTH AFRICA and ZAMBIA and has personnel deployed on Op SHADER. We continue to train toward Ex BALTIC STAR in ESTONIA (Op CABRIT) and with a relentless focus on G1 readiness have done the less glamourous but important things well.