Page 160 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 160

Ethiopia and Djibouti Short Term Training Team
In November 2016 a team of 5 personnel embarked as a Short Term Training Team (STTT) to Ethiopia and Djibouti for two weeks. Its mission was to develop the musical capabilities of military musicians in Ethiopia and provide musical support at a remem- brance service in Djibouti, building international relations with a politically sensitive country.
The team stayed in the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Every journey made around this city provided sights like no other, due in part to the utter chaos both on and off the road. It was never ascertained whether drivers here were supposed to drive on a certain side or give way at roundabouts, as most didn’t! The team worked extensively with the Ethiopian National Defence Force Band and the Somaliland Police Band. Though a small team, they were able to provide specialists in brass, woodwind, marching drill and conducting, allowing multifaceted development of both concert band and marching band elements. The bands were also given guidance on how to practise more effectively in small sections.
The team’s approach to teaching was a ‘train the trainer’ method in order to help maintain improve- ments after the team’s departure. For example, rather than STTT individuals leading the rehearsals, members of the band were chosen to lead with on-going feedback from the STTT. The aim of this being that their natural leaders would come to the fore and continue to instil the good habits initiated by the team.
Both bands’ resources were limited and many instruments were in a poor state of repair with tuning slides being totally seized up. To help with this, lessons were given on instrument maintenance and repair so that they could learn to help themselves. It came to light, however, that the Defence Force Band had swathes of new instruments, unused and gathering dust in their store whilst players struggled to cope playing old instruments in poor condition. The STTT strongly encouraged them to issue all the new instruments out to their players producing immediately noticeable improvements in the band’s sound and teaching them a valuable lesson. The Police Band were so inspired by the marching band tuition provided that they exploited their traf c control powers and marched straight out onto the busy main road. This provided local residents with much appreciated entertainment though did add further chaos to the local traf c!
It was clear to see the improvements made by both bands by the end of the trip and it was really rewarding to see how far they had come in such a small space of time. It was clearly well received too as band members couldn’t be more thankful and displayed this with farewell ceremony and gifts. In fact, they urged the team to come back again, a request which given the chance would certainly be honoured by all team members who thoroughly enjoyed the tour.
LCpl P Brittenden
Assisting with a full band rehearsal while sat out in the sunshine with Capt Bywaters conducting
The short term training team with LCpl Paul Brittenden from The Band and Bugles of The Ri es pictured far right

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