Page 184 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 184

Lord Lieutenants Cadets 2016 – 2107
Once more one of our cadets was appointed as Lord Lieutenant Cadet for Gloucestershire. Congratulations goes to Daisy Bing who was one of ten cadets selected to represent the County. On Sunday Daisy and her parents attended the Lord Lieutenant’s Investiture at the Of cers Mess, Imjin Barracks, Innsworth. She was extremely well turned out and most certainly will be an excellent ambassador for the schools CCF, and as usual Daisy was grinning from cheek to cheek! The appointment involves Daisy attending Royal events with the Lord Lieutenant of the County, Dame Janet Trotter. Also, more than likely she will have the opportunity to meet the Queen and other members of the Royal Family.
Daisy with her parents. Dame Janet Trotter,
the Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire and the OC of the Contingent Lt Col Paul Rothwell
5 - 7 May 2017
Over the last thirty  ve years, The Ten Tors Challenge has been a major part of the CCF adventure training programme. Not only is it a superb medium for providing many of our cadets with, outdoor challenge, team work skills, comradeship and the determination to succeed. Above all it has also proved to be an invaluable life skill in itself, by making our young people aware in what often may seem impossible can be achieved by bravely stepping outside their comfort zone.
Over the weekend a team of Year 10 Cadets took part in this Challenge. This was after months of dedicated and committed training. The two-day expedition was held on the remote and rugged terrain of Dartmoor National Park. Accurate navigation skills are essential if the demanding challenge is to be completed successfully. All teams have to be self-contained, they carry all their own individual and group equipment, which weighs about 35lbs, and they have to wild camp out overnight on the Moors.
Our young team led by James Clements did exceptionally well in completing their route well within the allocated time, one of the fastest by a Wycliffe teams. Even though this is not a race!
There was little doubt that all were very weary at the end, however team spirits were high, as they  nished the Challenge arm in arm. All should be very proud of what they have achieved over the weekend, as were the many parents family members and Head who were there to see them at the  nish line.
35 mile team
James Clements Capt
Amy Cook
Jenny Howorth
Even though they didn’t get in the team and in recognition of all their hard work, a Certi cate of Merit was presented to
Charlie Asquith Tom Quainton Iona Farrow-Wilton Freddie Shetcliffe
Ten Tors Challenge report
Dan Harris Harriett Willey Louise Stanley

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