Page 199 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 199

The Wiltshire Regiment (Duke of Edinburgh’s) Of cers Luncheon Club
17th September 2016
13 Members of the WILTS Of cers Luncheon Club sat down to lunch in The Wardrobe on 17th September 2016 where Loyal Greetings to Her Majesty and the Colonel in Chief had been warmly acknowledged.
The Lord Lieutenant for Wiltshire, Mrs Sarah Troughton, was the Guest of Honour. Other Guests of the Club were: The Rt. Revd. John Kirkham, former Bishop of Sherborne and former Bishop of the Forces, Col. MJ Cornwell Ri es County Colonel for Wiltshire. Major RD O’Neill and Lt. N. Salisbury were members Guests.
Members attending (13) were: Major GRA Pickford (Lunch President) Lt Cols. VH Ridley MBE, QGM, GTLM Graham OBE, Lt. M Copp (Chairman), Majors DC Ryan TD, MAR Oakley TD, Captains CW Waters, DJ Waters, WWR Vallis TD, IJ Knight and Lieuts. R. Johnson, OHF Guillebaud and PJ Mayhew.
The next reunion is to be held at The Wardrobe on Thursday 15th September 2017.
The 11th Informal
Of cers’ Back
Badge London
Lunch (BBLL 17)
Friday 14th July
The informal buffet lunch aboard MV Havengore for fellow Back Badge wearers (young and older), good quality food and drink in a unique and exclusive venue enabling a relaxed and informal social and business networking environment was sadly postponed from its July date til later in the year as a result of an extensive and overrun refurbishment in dry dock. A new date will be published, when known, in due course. Ian Harris
The Back Badge Lunch
Sunday 16th October 2016
The  fth Of cers’ Back Badge lunch was held at
Chavenage House, Gloucestershire, on Sunday
16th October 2016, by kind permission of its
owner Colonel David Lowsley-Williams. Once again
VIP treatment was received with a champagne  CM Lavender; Col & Mrs reception, delicious lunch and a tour of the house.
Ladds; Capt & Mrs TE Lapage Norris; Col & Mrs
This year we were honoured to host WO1 Pat Hyde MC, and his wife Rebecca, as our guests. WO1 Hyde MC started his career as a Gloster and is now the senior WO1 and Regimental Command Serjeant Major of The Ri es. After lunch he delivered a most informative update on the latest occurrences within the Regiment. Afternote: Captain Pat Hyde MC is now QM (T) 1RIFLES.
The record attendance of 84 this year re ects the work and leadership of Martin and Miranda Vine and Lesley Bradshaw, Ri es AO Gloucester, while the generous donation by David Godfrey, GLOSTERS, of wine from his own vineyard in South Africa may have “helped”!
Those attending were (84): Col & Mrs APA Arengo- Jones & Mrs G Arengo-Jones; Maj & Mrs AH Ayres; Maj & Mrs RJ Bewell; Ms LA Bradshaw & Mr N Hunt; Maj H Britton Johnson; Lt Col & Mrs PJ Cable; Maj & Mrs SG Clark; Maj TD Cooper; Mrs Jean Crush; Lt Col J Denley; Lt Col & Mrs DR Dixon; Col & Mrs PJ Durrant; Col & Mrs TB Dutton; Brig & Mrs SDA Firth; Col-DR RL Giles & Mrs Olga Kerziouk; Maj D Godfrey; Maj & Mrs CJC Gordon; Maj Gen & Mrs RD Grist; Maj PH Hall & Ms Sandra Hopwood; Col & Mrs IVK Harris; WO1 & Mrs P Hyde; Capt & Mrs L Keeling; Capt RWE Ladds; Maj & Mrs WRN
MS Lee-Browne; Col &
Mrs D Lowsley-Williams;
Maj & Mrs P Miller; Capt
& Mrs J Mermagen; Mrs
Carole Ann Michels; Lt Col
& Mrs SD Miller; Lt Col MJR
Motum; Col CJ Newbould;
Maj & Mrs ME Nurick; Gen Sir
Kevin & Lady O’Donoghue; Col
& Mrs SJ Oxlade; Mr & Mrs RJL
Paul; Revd Duncan Pollock; Maj &
Mrs CG Rendle; Col & Mrs PR Rostron;
Mrs Caroline Temple; Brig & Mrs MS Vine;
Gen Sir John & Lady Waters; and, Maj & Mrs PJM Whiteman.
The 6th Back Badge Lunch will be held on Sunday 16th October 2017 again at Chavenage House Mike Motum DL

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