Page 291 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 291
Our products & services
We understand the needs of the Armed Forces and we source the most cost e ective and comprehensive cover possible on a wide range of products.
Our passion and commitment is to deliver the best possible service to our customers. As a not for pro t organisation we try hard to be a positive force in the military community and o er a wide range of products and services.
For an informal chat contact us today! Our range of products & services include:
We can also help spouses and veterans to start their own businesses.
Kit Insurance
Car Insurance
Life Insurance Home & Contents Personal Accident
Your Financial Ally Call Us 00 800 00 01 02 03 0044 (0)345 658 1140
Reserve Forces Service Funds Travel Insurance ISA & Savings Mortgage
We have branches across the UK, Germany and Cyprus and as a mutual group we exist only to improve the lives of the Armed Forces and those connected to them.
Photo by Nick Johns, Overall winner – Genuine Moments Photo Competition 2016
PMGI Limited (PMGI) is registered in England & Wales No. 1073408. The registered o ce of PMGI is Alexandra House, Queen Street, Lich eld, Sta ordshire WS13 6QS. Mortgage Excellence Plc (MEX) is registered in England & Wales No. 3527577. ‘Forces Mutual’ is the trading name and brand for PMGI and MEX. Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN) - local connection charges may apply, please check with your telephone provider. Calls to 03 numbers usually cost no more than to geographic numbers (01 or 02) and are usually included in call packages, please check with your phone company if they are included in your package. FM1932 (0917)