Page 35 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 35
Op SHADER ROTO 3.5: Training Mission in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI)
An augmented S Coy, 1 RIFLES deployed for 4 months to train the Kurdish Security Forces in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI) on Op SHADER 3.5 as the Battle for Mosul was about to commence in late 2016. This was the fourth and nal rotation of 1 RIFLES’ 16-month tour in Iraq, which allowed the lessons identi ed by previous deployments to be implemented as the Operation developed. The Coy Headquarters was based with American forces and the predominantly European Kurdistan Training Coordination Centre (KTCC) in the Erbil International Airport (EIA), where they also hosted the Battle Group HQ.
The Coy operated across the Kurdish Region of Iraq, with an AO spanning over 300 miles across, and a second permanent training out post (Platoon strength) in Menilla, over 3 hours’ drive from EIA. Small training teams of 6 to10 men were operating independently at reach across the Kurdish region, conducting bespoke training packages for the Kurdish Forces as they prepared for the front line. As the ‘front line’ (Kurdish Defensive Line) was close to the training areas, the Kurdish troops frequently returned from ghting for further training. This allowed real-time Measurement of Effect (MOE) to be conducted, with lessons learnt from ghting
Daesh being fed straight back into training.
It soon became apparent that some of the short- falls of the Kurdish Forces were not caused by a lack of knowledge but by a lack of battle discipline and Platoon/Section leadership, which was exacerbated by rapid skill fade. To tackle this, the Coy developed a new approach called ITEMF (Identify, Train, Empower, Mentor and Feedback), to prioritize instructor and
leadership development in all aspects of training.
By increasing the focus on commanders, devel- oping their command and instructor ability, the Coalition were able to increase Kurdish ownership and the sustainability of training, and most impor- tantly, the implementation of their new skills on the battle eld. In January 2017, after over 16 months, 1 RIFLES handed over to 2 LANCS and left with a great sense of achievement as the eastern half of
Mosul was secured by the Iraqi forces.
Capt Peter Barton Coy Ops Offr
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