Page 51 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 51

Operation TRENTON:
Assault Pioneer’s perspective
I deployed to Malakal, South Sudan on the 3rd of February 2017. Malakal Camp was bare at the start and it has been great to see how it has developed. We immediately focused on the defence of the camp and starting to prepare the Standard Operating Procedures for force protection in theatre. We established a temporary guard room and began to guard the perimeter whilst conducting the movement and tracking of Locally Employed Civilians (LEC’s). The perimeter of the camp was constructed after a few days and the camp began to take shape. We were deployed alongside the Royal Engineers enabling us to have plenty of opportu- nities to learn skills in several  elds consisting of:  eld engineering, concreting and water puri cation. We were also able to teach the engineers infantry skills to increase their knowledge of guard, the role
of a guardian angel, the immediate action drills and casualty extraction.
The Ri es have had the opportunity to work amongst other troop contributing countries and also with the civilian sector of the United Nations. This has granted us the opportunity to gain from their experience and procedures and an opportunity to re-evaluate our own. Having the LECs working in our camp has been an excellent chance for us to learn  rst-hand about the different tribes, religions and nationalities located within South Sudan. It is crucial that we engage with the people of South Sudan; you cannot help solve a con ict or situation that you do not understand.
After a very educational and exciting six months we were all ready to return to our families and friends, con dent in what we have achieved. C Company looks forward to its next deployment and prepares for the upcoming PNCO cadres, courses and exercises we have on the horizon. I will keep a close eye on the future developments of Operation TRENTON and hope that they can aid with the progression of this country.
Ri eman Rowley, Assault Pioneers
Filmed by the BBC, Corporal Braunton-Turner gives a bonnet brief to his section before heading out into the ‘Protection of Civilians’ site
C Company Ri emen help to secure a local hospital using HESCO and fencing from the UK taskforce
Malakal Ri emen, 9 Platoon and Company HQ

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