Page 86 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 86

Foreword by The Commanding Of cer
Another demanding and varied year for the 4th Battalion, which saw us deploy to Iraq and then embark on a transformation programme to become one of the Army’s  rst Specialised Infantry Battalions.
On 30 June 2016 the Secretary of State for Defence announced that the UK would increase its contribution to the multinational operation against Daesh in Iraq and the Levant. Two hundred and  fty British troops were to train elements of the Iraqi 7th Division, Border Guards and Federal Police. Immediately following the announcement the Battalion underwent a hastily organised package of training to prepare the headquarters and two ri e companies for a deployment to Al Assad Airbase, in western Iraq.
B Company’s mission, under the command of Major Steve Pengilly, was to provide a secure operating environment for the delivery of training to the Iraqi Security Forces. Less glamorous than other roles, their task was arguably the most demanding due to the expanse of terrain they had to dominate. Over their tour they conducted more than a thousand security patrols. The Represent- ative Company, under the command of Major John Barry, was tasked with training the Iraqis. Alongside their Danish counterparts, they trained over two thousand Iraqi troops. We also had a squadron of Royal Engineers under command, who built us a headquarters, operations centre and living accommodation, thus setting the conditions for the operation to endure beyond our tenure. After a successful six months the Battalion handed over command to 4 SCOTS in early 2017.
In the  nal stages of the Iraq tour the Battalion received news that it had been selected to pioneer the new Spec Inf role. This is an exciting new capability for Defence that professionalises our approach to capacity building. The concept sees us structured, equipped and trained to work ‘beside, with and through’ priority indigenous partner forces. We will draw Ri emen from across the Regiment, assess and select those who are suitable for Spec Inf service, and then train them to operate in high threat and austere environments. Operating in small self-reliant teams, we will become experts in training others and, where appropriate, supporting their operations. Aligned to the Middle East, the 4th Battalion will be persistently engaged overseas, building partnerships across the region.
While rich in rank, our new structure is considerably smaller overall. So we have had to say goodbye to over three hundred Ri emen. This has, inevitably, been dif cult for some – many of the Ri emen and their families would have wished to stay with us in Aldershot. We thank every one of those who leave us for their commitment, camaraderie and service over the past years and we wish them all the very best as they set off for new homes across the
Regiment and beyond. Of course we hope that in the future many will volunteer for Spec Inf service and return to us at some stage. We are indebted to Regimental Headquarters and the other regular battalions who have helped us in this process.
Despite a busy programme we have not forgotten our extra-curricular responsibilities. The 4th Battalion is the Regimental lead for boxing and shooting. Our boxers did fantastically well in the Army team competition, reaching the semi- nals. But it was in the individual championship where they really excelled: two new Army champions (Ri emen Gammage and White), two silver medals and a bronze. The shooting team achieved our best result to date at Bisley, coming second overall. All eight  rers made the Army 100, LCpl Stanton was third in the Queen’s Medal competition, and Captain De Souza was the top of cer.
The 4th Battalion faces a period of signi cant change over the coming months. We will further re ne our structure, learn new skills, develop new relationships, take on new responsibilities and deploy elements overseas on operations. The one thing that will remain absolutely constant, however, is our distinctive ethos as a Ri es Battalion. The lessons from our history are as relevant as ever. The chosen men that have been handpicked to form up the  rst Spec Inf teams will endeavour to demon- strate the same initiative, responsibility, profession- alism, and sense of style that our forbears did, as they pioneered a new capability in the 19th century. Lt Col Peter Baines MBE
CO 4 RIFLES, Lt Col Peter Baines MBE

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