Page 10 - QARANC Vol 18 No 1 2020
P. 10

                                8 The Gazette QARANC Association
 Joint Hospital Group (SE)
On 12 December 2019, JHG(SE) gathered at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Farnborough for a much needed opportunity to relax, eat and dance the night away at the unit guest Christmas Ball. The room was intricately decorated, with a personal touch of miniature bottles of port at each place setting saying ‘thank you for your hard work’; we also enjoyed the opportunity to have professional photographs taken throughout the night.
At the beginning of the evening, we heard from Lieutenant Colonel T Grieves (Commanding Officer) and finished off with a Unit photo. As the evening went on we got to experience Major Woodall showing off his classic dance moves before we said a fond farewell; an end to a 36 year QARANC career. It was a great evening, dining and dancing with friends, as we said goodbye to old faces being posted, greeted new faces and got to show our partners and civilian friends how we celebrate hard work. Dancing and dinner is always a great way to relax and get everyone together especially given the secondary care setting we all work in, on different shift patterns and in different departments throughout the Hospital.
We would like to thank the QARANC Association for their support in helping to fund a brilliant evening. It was a great end to a successful year and I know the unit would like to say a massive thank you to all those who took the time to plan the evening and all the Christmas activities over the festive period especially, Captain Sexton- Pelling, Captain Hill, Captain Newburn- Johnson and Corporal Keane.
The next day we were woken up to the smell of bacon sandwiches delivered by the seniors and officers to
JHG(SE) Unit Christmas Ball
   the block, which went down a treat, a great start to the day! The day’s events consisted of fancy dress PT in the form of an indoor assault course aptly delivered by Sergeant Morgan and Private Martin. We were required to perform various acrobatic moves whilst navigating some interesting obstacles. Some of us were dressed as the complete cast of the Nativity, a blow up Santa, Christmas crackers and Mrs Claus amongst others. A shout out must be given to Corporal Lewis who won the fancy dress competition dressed as Baby Jesus.
After the hilarity of PT, the Commanding Officer spoke to the unit about the various activities and achievements of personnel over the year. She highlighted the outstanding charity work the unit has undertaken, the fantastic sporting accolades and the overall successes at work that JHG(SE) has achieved this year.
To name a few:
• Sergeant Evans, Sergeant
Harper and Corporal Kinsley, who went above and beyond in their roles as healthcare professionals over the year.
• Corporal Miles, who completed an African ultra-marathon in aid of mental health awareness (MIND) raising £1682.
• Corporal Robertson, who raised over £1900 for the children’s charity Teams4U.
• Captain Johnson and Warrant Officer 2 Kemp, who organised a fantastic unit adventure training package.
• Corporal Hodson, who took over the role of block JNCO and ensured the Juniors’ SLIA was to the highest standard and a welcoming home to all occupants.
• Sergeant Najad, who continues to lead the Parent’s Network Group to provide further support to the parents and families of those serving within JHG(SE).
After this we sat down to eat our Christmas dinner served to us by the seniors and officers and were treated to some well-rehearsed carols by the ‘choir’, who received a standing ovation for their three part harmony!
With full stomachs we said Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year before some much needed leave commenced for some. For others they were preparing to work over the festive period and into the New Year alongside our civilian counterparts.
Corporal Anna Kinsley JHG(SE)
    Happy soldiers eating their Christmas Dinner
The cast of the Nativity

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