Page 7 - Mind, Body and Spirit Online Edition
P. 7
Maj (MAA) T P Scarr SO2 Policy & Plans
Q RAPTC continues to race along at breakneck speed in in 2014. Incidently, the current Senior Master At Arms, Lt Col
pursuit of the many strands of business required to support Alan Billings, hosted the Comdt’s SP and provided his updates to
both serving and retired RAPTC personnel. This update
regional SPs for the last time before he bows out in early 2014. A
covers a number of issues:
few words on his departure will follow.
Manning – I can report that whilst the RAPTC is reducing in overall PTI Matters – Current developments/issues you should be aware
number as a result of the removal of units from the Army line, of:
we are in good shape. Of particular note is the reshaping of the • Army Reserves PTI qualiications. TDT is undertaking a
ighting force, otherwise known as the Generated Force, where comprehensive Job Analysis of the TA PTI scheme (detailed in
the majority of RAPTC appointments in units will be at the rank of a later article). The bottom line is that the shape and length
SSgt, with the removal of rank ranging throughout. Work continues of training for Reserve personnel may well change but in the
within other organisations on rank ranging and this will become meantime the current TA scheme stands.
more apparent as we move towards 2015. You will no doubt • Recruitment. It is incumbent upon all RAPTC personnel to
be aware of Tranche 3 Redundancy announcements and the fact talent spot those personnel who they suspect may have the
that the RAPTC was not included; this was excellent news for the attributes to become a RAPTC instructor. In recent times,
continued integrity of our career manning plan, promotions and Selection course attendance has been somewhat reduced,
conversions. Work continues in the Autumn of 2013 on Tranche although in Sep 13 there will be up to 30 pax on the course. A
4 planning. You will be updated accordingly by HQ RAPTC but I Recruitment Programme initiated in 2013, aims to reinvigorate
would remind you that it is the responsibility of your direct Chain RAPTC personnel in the process of recruitment to better identify
of Command and yourselves to ensure that you are informed at and subsequently direct personnel towards the Selection
every juncture of the latest Redundancy developments.
course. This is crucial work if we are to continue to attract the
right calibre of personnel into the RAPTC and is all our business.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) – A great deal • Career Courses. HQ RAPTC has instigated two new career
of time and effort goes into CPD and in order to be successful it courses: one for newly commissioned Captains and another for
relies on your support in terms of attendance of the various options personnel selected for promotion to WO1. These vital courses
available. HQ RAPTC has updated the Career Management Plan will be delivered in the Apr of a given training year and will further
(CMP) CPD section, which now lays out the means by which develop now they have both been piloted. On this topic, the
CPD can be achieved by all RAPTC personnel. These include the Field Army Employment Course and the WO CLM course are
centrally funded courses HQ RAPTC organises but also options also vital ground for RAPTCI career development. Attendance
that can be undertaken in units. For instance, within the last year, on all these courses is expected of all RAPTC personnel; the
HQ RAPTC issued all RAPTCIs with the Essentials of Strength only way to improve the various courses is to get involved and
Training and Conditioning. This text carries all the fundamental you are encouraged to provide as much feedback as possible.
aspects of training that every RAPTCI should be familiar with and
will indeed form the core text of all future RAPTC courses run Battleield Study
– Its not all desk bound servitude for HQ
at the ASPT. This text can be used for journal club type activity RAPTC personnel. Members of the HQ undertook a Battleield
within a unit and that process can be recorded for CPD purposes. Study of the Crimea in Jul 13, which was instigated, organised
For a better understanding please refer to the CMP for all aspects and delivered by Capt Lee Dyson. A hugely rewarding trip that
associated with employment and training and keep yourself provided everything we needed to understand the requirements
current and competent by undertaking regular CPD to support of the soldiers of the day and why it was necessary afterwards to
your role.
modernise the British Army, including developing a professional
arm to deliver PT to all personnel. One hundred and ifty years of
Study Periods (SP) – These invaluable gatherings are vital for well founded logic is hard to argue against; our role is to continue
the RAPTC and should be considered an absolute must for to prove our worth to the Army by providing contemporary,
all instructors and oficers – the message is to make sure you evidence based PT in order to meet the requirement of a given role
participate through attendance and interaction with speakers
in a modern and effective manner. This has always been the case