Page 11 - QARANC Vol 14 No 13 2016
P. 11

                                THE GAZETTE QARANC 9
 Defence Health Education (DHE) QARANC Corps Day 2016
The afternoon started with a church service delivered by Father Smith. This gave us the chance to remember those soldiers lost in previous conflicts along with the opportunity to use our vocal chords.
Following the church service, we were greeted in the main hall by Sgt Middleton and an arrangement of savoury foods, cakes, scones and tea. The hall was beautifully decorated with tables and chairs and flower arrangements on each table. Once seated into small groups everyone had time to relax and enjoy the food and drink. The atmosphere was great with lots of laughing and joking with first, second and third years all integrating together.
The first competition was to choose a team name which had to be related to military nursing. After long deliberation and a lot of laughing the final team names were chosen including The Combat Catheters (this gave the room plenty of giggles!). It was a tough decision, with The Seacole Soldiers placing second and The Ghost of QA Future placing first.
Once team names had been chosen the next round began with a QA Corps history quiz. The competition started to heat up! During the quiz there were extra bonus points for the team who could stand when the QA Corps march played; at one point it started to look like a game of musical chairs! The winners of the quiz were the The Seacole Soldiers.
The final competition involved a cardboard box. Nobody knew what was inside the box or what the task entailed. Each group had ten minutes to create something from the box and its contents which reflected the Corps. Fantastic ideas ranged from field hospitals, cakes and Florence Nightingales. The creativity shown would have given Blue Peter a run for
  DHE QA Corps Day
their money! After tough deliberation, The Seacole Soldiers came second with their modern day Florence Nightingale and the Ghost of QA Future came first with their field hospital containing ITU, a helicopter and ambulance station!
It came down to two teams battling it out for first position with just one point separating them! However, The Ghost of QA Future were crowned the winners. Thank you to the QA Association for donating some money towards the afternoon. It was great fun with everyone having the chance to stock up their cupboards with left over cake!!
Pte Damalekani and Pte Walmsley DHE
 The Journey Begins.
  On 9 May 2016, 18 volunteers passed through the gates of Army Training Regiment Winchester in pursuit of the Grey Beret. Swiftly embedded in B Sqn, they embarked on the 14 week phase 1 training programme, covering all elements of basic soldier training.
To inspire the future of the QARANC through the rigours of phase 1 training, the QA Association generously sponsored the refreshments for a Cap Badge Nurturing evening. Col S Bush, Colonel Commandant introduced the new recruits to the role of the Colonel Commandant and the QA Association, highlighting the advantages of membership. Capt Crabtree, Cpl Armstrong (RN) and Pte Olding (HCA) from DMGSE, shared Unit life stories and experiences.
As the complete menu from Dominos steadily arrived in the welfare suite, the recruits and visiting QAs
enjoyed an evening of familiarisation to Unit, Corps and Army life. The evening was a great opportunity to see life beyond training and to gain a feel for the next stage of their career.
On 12 Aug 2016, the QARANC recruits proudly marched on parade to the beat of The Band of the Royal Logistic Corps and the excited cheers of family and friends. A contingent of QARANC personnel led by Col J Davis, Colonel Commandant, sat
front and centre in support of our future Corps members. Both DMGSE and DMGS sent representatives.
With extreme pride, confidence and honour, 3 recruits of the QARANC marched forward to be honoured for their achievements throughout training by Bdr CVR Walker, DSO Late Grenadier Guards, the Inspecting Officer.
Pte Griffin 9 Troop – Best PT
Pte Holding 9 Troop – Best Recruit Pte Portman 10 Troop – Soldiers
On completion of the parade, Col
Davis presented the prize winners with a copy of Sub Cruce Candida: A Celebration of One Hundred Years of Army Nursing inscribed by Col Irvine CNO. In addition to this, WO2 Gilbert presented QARANC rank slides and a brass cap badge.

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