Page 103 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 103
under fire, before returning to camp for the weekend.
The middle weekend was an opportunity
were conducted prior to platoon deliberate attacks, all controlled and synchronised by a company HQ. Early on the final Thursday
courts. An inter-platoon competition was quickly arranged. The competition quickly hotted up but none more so that the
to experience some of the history and culture in the area. The Company had the chance to visit two of the local towns and also a guided tour of the Redipuglia War Memorial. The G4 team produced an excellent BBQ and the weekend gave everybody the chance to relax before the FTX.
Week two was an FTX to be overseen
by the CO. The Company deployed to
a different harbour area before mounting platoon clearance patrols. Again the Italians deployed with us and provided the vehicles for moves round the area. Recce patrols
the scene was set for a full Company attack encompassing the use of the Dardo and an Italian Platoon. This final attack demonstrated the vast improvement in the core skills from the start of week one and was a fantastic finale to the exercise phase of ROMAN STAR.
After a demanding and challenging
two weeks the final day was set aside for R&R. The Company was transported to the holiday resort of Biblione. Following a kayaking experience around the local water ways, the Company descended on a beach bar and restaurant with beach volleyball
Officers verses SNCOs matches which were finally won by the SNCOs. The following day saw the RAF arrive to fly us home before the long drive back to our own drill halls.
Overall I found the experience and challenge of planning and running a camp overseas fantastic. The heat and language barriers added to the challenge and difficulties but everybody enjoyed the exercise and the experiences of working with the Italian Army and their vehicles.