Page 21 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 21
Mortar Platoon
This year saw the return of Sgt “Dev” Devlin to the Mortars fold and then without much time to shake off the New Year hangover the Platoon were heading on a six week deployment to Kenya. The start of 2012 was the culmination of the previous years Hybrid Foundation Training (HFT) and
saw the Mortar Platoon deployed on Ex ASKARI THUNDER 5 in support of the HFT for 1 MERCIAN. The Platoon worked hard in the hostile and testing environment for the duration of the Exercise, with Mortar Lines (MLs) and Mortar Fire Controllers (MFCs) conducting their own training. The training was further benefited with the integration of the Fire Support Teams (FSTs) and supporting the Rifle Company Battle Runs with High Explosive rounds (HE) and Illumination rounds (Illum). The Platoon returned highly proficient and ready to undertake the next step in training for our forthcoming deployment in Afghanistan. On successful completion of this deployment there was no let up in the pace of work, the Platoon went straight into Mission Specific
Training (MST) and started its preparation for deployment onto Op HERRICK 17. On return to the United Kingdom we
unfortunately waved a temporary fairwell to Sgt D Burgess who was posted to Chester ACIO, and welcomed back Sgt “Mave” Riley into the Platoon. The pace of life for the Platoon was much tougher than Kenya. The Platoon was worked rigorously with the familiar trip to Lydd for low-level honing of Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) for theatre. The MFCs conduced
who would accompany us throughout
Op HERRICK 17. The CFX, in STANTA, was a bit of a change for the Platoon and saw most of the Privates and LCpls return to
the role of riflemen, as well as RAAT tasks to support 1 SCOTS’ CALFEX in Castle Martin. This very much echoed the previous pre-tour build-up to Op HERIICK 12 with a mantra of one week in camp and a fortnight out! This busy period culminated in the CALFEX for the Battalion in Castle Martin, where the Platoon performed excellently.
This provided the Company Commanders with all the confirmation they needed, that if their soldiers needed fast, robust and dependable indirect fire support it was readily at their disposal. The final piece of the training jigsaw was placed with the battle group CFX on Salisbury plain.
After some well earned leave, the time had come to wave goodbye to our loved ones and get on with the job in hand, and our deployment to Afghanistan.....
The first of the main body flights with
A Coy in mid September saw the MFCs depart. As a result they were the first boots on the ground from the Mortar Platoon. This comprised Cpl Percival and Cpl Bagshaw being sent to FOB Shawqat in support of
A Coy, Sgt Devlin and Cpl Lightfoot being sent to PB Salaang in support of B Coy, and Cpl Hornsby and LCpl Prakash being sent to PB Folad in support of C Coy. The Mortar lines arrived shortly afterwards, commanded by Sgt Hines (based in PB Folad) and Sgt Riley (based in PB Salaang)
1 Section
The Mortar Platoon deployed to Afghanistan in late September, and once complete
in Camp Bastion they completed the mandatory RSOI training. This is when 1 Section waved good-bye to 2 Section. 1 Section commanded by Sgt Hines moved to the airhead and made their way to a fairly hostile PB Folad. Once there they quickly got on with the job at hand and set about making the ML their own entity. Within a
few hours they had received their first Illum fire mission and from then on they were
2 Section
After a hectic and demanding period of
MST and RAAT tasks the Platoon arrived back fresh faced from a well-earned pre- deployment leave ready to face the rigours of Afghanistan. 2 Section landed with 1 Section and went through the same RSOI package in Bastion, putting into practice lessons learned on MST and picking up a few useful tips along the way. The Mortars, being the Mortars, soon found the best deals in the ‘jingly’ shops and more importantly the best dining establishments Camp Bastion had to offer; namely LCpl Dunne and his epic quest of Man vs Food. The Platoon soon split into their sections and deployed forward with their respective companies. 2 Section was deployed to PB Salaang and wasted no time in making life comfortable for themselves. With the Company spread across three locations, 2 Section soon found they were manning a Sanger and providing guardian angels, which were a very important part of our own security in Afghanistan. Once things had settled slightly, the usual fitness regime started with Sgt “the beast” Devlin attacking
stood to on a nearly daily basis. However, fortunately for C Company they did not have to use HE or smoke screens in support. The Section resigned to the fact that they would only be firing Illum tasks for the foreseeable future. The ML however became a Battle Group asset, they found themselves reacting to any soldiers on the ground that came into the PB Folad AO, which had its own story that we will not go into.....
Christmas came and (thankfully) went, and with this milestone also came the
the gym for his daily ten minute session. The tempo of patrolling was soon stepped up and the section found itself stood to, ready to support the ground soldiers. The Illum tasks came thick and fast, only to be cancelled moments later, much to the dismay of the Section.
With the approach of Christmas the section got heavily into the Christmas spirit (the first away for some) and made the most of being together. With the onset of the New Year B Coy had handed its outstations back to the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP) and prepared for an early dart from theatre. The Section left its MFCs and said good-bye
to Sgt Devlin and Cpl Lightfoot who went
to PB Folad to support C Coy. The section arrived to a warm, sunny Cyprus for a day by the pool and the chance of a few beers. The section arrived back to a snowy and cold Brize Norton in early March with all members present and accounted for.
On completion of a successful Op Herrick 17, and once all members of the Platoon
slow, downhill slog to the end of the tour. Towards the end of tour we waved goodbye to Cpl Hornsby and Cpl Dollery as well as Pte Jiban Rai for one reason or another,
but gained Sgt Devlin and Cpl Lightfoot along with Pte Wilson from Sgt Riley’s ML
in Salaang. The Mortar Platoon entered Afghanistan in good shape and ready to go. We left Afghanistan in great shape, slightly more weathered but every man came home safe. Afghanistan, it was emotional, and we shall never see you again!
had returned, home, we witnessed several changes taking place. We have said farewell to Pte Francis who has gone to seek his fortunes in “Civvy Street’’. We wish you all the best Franny and hope you have a happy life with your wife and family. We have also seen Cpl “Baggy” Bagshaw posted to ATR Pirbright; moulding future RSMs of various Corps, as a Section Commander. WO2 Vickery has been moved within the Company to take up the role of SP CSM; he has
been replaced by the newly promoted CSgt Burgess as Pl 2IC. Capt Sawyer has been replaced by Lt Nicholls as the new “Boss”. We also congratulate LCpl Jiban Rai on
his recent promotion and Sgt Hornsby on becoming a member of the Sgts’ Mess. What the future holds for the Mortar-men of 1 Mercian is as yet unclear, but as always
it will be met with a smile and laughter, for one reason or another! The next training year has started and sees the Platoon running a selection process for up and coming Mortar- men and the deployment to the Falklands in support of A Coy in Feb 14.