Page 26 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 26
RSO Capt J Trehane RSWO WO2 J Jones
CIS Platoon
Mission Specific Training (MST) has been our Main Effort for the platoon throughout 2013 in preparation for Herrick 17. The platoon had lots of new arrivals, many of whom had limited or no signals training so huge effort was put into getting everyone competent and qualified to do the job they were about to face in Afghan. The platoon has developed well and completed all of the operational level MST; ensuring that staff training was implemented at all levels and that the companies were given the support they required. Like everyone else a lot of our training
and Owens. Unfortunately the RSWO,
WO2 Jones, didn’t quite make it past the Movement Control Checkpoint (MCCP) at Marne and he was sadly missed throughout the tour. Everyone within the platoon were kept very busy whether it be long stints in the Ops room, stagging on the sangers or fatigues for the QM as well as maintaining the high demand on our own stores and equipment. Sgt Prince deserves a note here as he even found time on top of this
to regularly visit the gym but we have
since found out it was a cooler place to
took place in the field
and, considering it
was summer, it was
still quite cold during
the evenings. It didn’t
help that a few of us
had decided to bring
only our warm weather
sleeping bags and we
duly suffered. Luckily
for Sgt Hutton, Jacamo
have now started to do
sleeping bags and he was able to get one sent over from the Tesco store.
On deployment to Afghanistan a number of the platoon were attached to CO’s TAC, to act as drivers and signallers. The same team worked together throughout MST and they were used in a multitude of ways that would allow them to operate effectively,
and they became an extremely tight group. This fact was proved when Sgt Keane was injured whilst exiting a vehicle and witnesses say that the morphine administered had the same effect on him and the CO! Another detachment of the platoon was attached
to the the Estonian Company, proving our ability to interact with other member nations of the coalition force in Afghanistan. Luckily, the Estonians spoke much better English than most of the team attached to them did, so everything ran smoothly. The main bulk of CIS platoon was based out of FOB Shawqat and responsible for maintaining Battle Group communications. They
were commanded by the RSO, Capt Ben Smyth who was assisted by Sgts Hutton
sleep!! CSgt Whitmore commanded a team based in Bastion and had the unenviable task of managing all the signals kit that the TSU were using throughout the tour relying hugely on the Det Comds to help account for and maintain the kit in the Forward Operating Bases (FOBs). He
also ensured the demands, repairs and equipment location returns were well managed. It should also be mentioned that he was supported by the UNICOM wizard Cpl Shanley himself, who still claims he could do it with his eyes shut, just like ping pong or darts!
A small number of the platoon remained behind to help man the Rear Ops Group (ROG) Ops room, and they also worked long hours on duty and maintained the
Like everyone else a lot of our training took place in the field and, considering it was summer, it was still quite cold during the evenings.
Sgt Rob Keane and CSgt ‘Glutton’ Hutton (CIS) preparing to lose some lbs on Dept PT
has had some good social interaction since returning and the occasional BBQ has been enjoyed. These are made more interesting thanks to Cpl Gurung and his Nepalese food, however; you do have to watch out for the chillies and bones. We wish a fond farewell to Capt Ben Smyth as the RSO, he will be sorely missed and we wish him the best of luck in his future role as Adjutant of the 4th Battalion. We welcome Capt James Trehane to the platoon as the new RSO and we all look forward to working for him. We are also sad to say goodbye to Sgt Owens
and Sgt Hutton (Glutton). Both are leaving the Service and Sgt Owens is moving on to help his father in law in South Wales and Sgt Hutton has dreams of being
a super model for
Jacamo! We wish them both the best of luck in the future and
look forward to seeing them at Regimental events in the future.
kit we had left behind.
Cpl Grundy managed to
organise a number of BRU
courses for A Coy, who
had returned from tour
early. This gave the younger
soldiers within A Coy a
signals qualification and also
an upgrade in pay. Since
returning to the UK we
have had to say goodbye
to our RSIST team who have supported us for the last two years and we wish them the best of luck in the future. The platoon
This gave the younger soldiers within A Coy a signals qualification and also an upgrade in pay.
Sgt ‘Roberto’ Keane and his CO TAC Group pose prior to tasking at FOB SHAWQAT
Pte Dave Rafferty (Centre) prepares himself for Man V Food SHAWQAT style