Page 67 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 67
occasions we even had to use the Warriors as Recce cars due to the Scimitars being old and well worn, this however did work well and stopped any gaps appearing in the Recce screen.
Sgt Lennon’s section took on a number of roles for the BG during Prairie Thunder 4, some missions would be split down providing flank protection with a Detachment in the north, and a Detachment in the south, with Sgt Lennon maintaining the balance of both call signs. On a number of occasions they would be attached to either A Company 3 Mercian (AI) or D Company 4 Scots (Light role), and the Warriors were sometimes tasked as a lift capability for 4 Scots when needed.
This year the Pl has run another Javelin Cadre. We had a number of soldiers from A and C Company joining us this time round, all of the soldiers attending from the Companies completed an operator’s cadre. The idea behind this was so that the they would have their own soldiers trained in operating the CLU allowing them to use the CLU`s capabilities in their OPs or sangers which in turn would free up members of the Javelin Pl from tasks which they would otherwise be carrying out, allowing them to remain with the Pl available for other tasks. While most of the Pl were conducting cadres and ranges others where away on Op Escalin (fuel strikes), training as tanker drivers in Grantham, before heading out to different parts of the country to train on the job with fuel companies.
As Op Herrick 19 fast approaches the Pl switched once again from an Armoured Javelin Pl to a light role FSG, we conducted a
number of exercises and ranges in the build-up for PDT including Pashtun Hawk in mid April 13 in Sennelager, this was the Battalions LFTT package. We conducted an exercise on Bergen-Hohne training area, this was to be a Pl level exercise at first but then became a Dragon Company one, and this saw members of Snipers, Mortars and Recce joining us. There were stands on Herrick cascade training along with battle lessons and exercises. Soldiers from Dragon Company got to see how each Pl works and also a look at each other’s capabilities, something which we don’t often get to do. We followed Exercise Dragon Cascade with a week of heavy weapons’ ranges in Sennelager, this qualified Dragon Company up to ACMT in HMG GMG and GPMG.
As Herrick is forever changing by the day the requirement for an FSG no longer existed so the Pl have now been split down. Some members of the Pl are now BCRs on the ROG while others formed as part of the BAT force protection group in which the Pl 2ic CSgt Bowles is heading up. Other individuals are now part of CO`s Tac. We have swapped our Jackals for Husky and Foxhound as this
is now the preferred method of transport in theatre. We deployed in our new role to Castlemartin in mid July 13, this was the first chance that we had been able to shake out together and meet our new Reservist attachments. We also got to fire from the Husky for the first time. On completion of the CALFEX we moved to Thetford for the CFX, where we put in to practice all the TTPs that we had learned on PDT.