Page 75 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 75
performed exceptionally
and took overall 2nd
place in the Ladies’ K1
event. Although these
were our best results
for the day, everybody
competing adds points
to the team total at the
end of the week and
we were doing very well
in that respect, with
good runs from Ptes
Hill and Bryan throughout the week. The following day they spice the competition up a bit. The gates are the same however this time you go down in teams of three. So although the water had gone down slightly we now had to contend with other paddlers in close proximity. This proved to be quite difficult for some of us, LCpl King’s team in particular. Whilst negotiating one particularly difficult red
gate CSgt Pemberton and L/Cpl King had a collision, all of which
he was responsible for. The problem was that they had failed to notice Pte Brock upside down in the water, cruising past us down stream. However after a well rehearsed self rescue by the team we were back on the water and chasing the clock. This was the sort of spirit that the whole team displayed throughout the whole event but especially by CSgts Smith and Rushton who competed for the first time in C1 and C2 events, something that neither guys had any real time to practise but still manage to be dry and upright at the finish. The end of this day is the completion of the competition at unit level; the following 2 days are made up of Corp events and as infantry we were to partner with 2 RGR to give the RLC and Signals a run for their money. It was decided though that the team deserved a night out and a bit or relaxation, that’s not to say that the team had not relaxed every night in a different bar since arriving. This night was to be a bit more, so a trip to New Quay for a meal, then for those with the stamina a club in Carmarthen. This prepared everybody for the next two days. These two days run pretty much the same as the first two with the exception that we were able to have Maj Cresswell join us. This was an added boost as Maj Creswell (Mercian) is a paddler with many years experience, although this did not help him when he decided it would be a good idea for CSgt Pemberton to be in a two man canoe with him. I’m afraid to say that his knowledge and skills were not enough to counter CSgt Pemberton’s inexperience and inability to balance properly and he was upside down and wet for the first time in a year.
At the end of the competition the results were read out by the event organisers and none of us were aware of how we had done. So when it was announced that the infantry had won by 50 points the whole team was ecstatic and I am not ashamed to say that a reasonable amount of abuse was sent the RLC way.
This is an excellent event to enter because it tests every single participant, no matter what their paddling experience or ability. CSgts Smith and Rushton with help from Capt Triandafilou had a very short time to form a team and get them to a level not just to compete but win. The fact that this was done with old out of date
equipment goes to show the character of the soldiers we have and the people that lead them. We are currently holding the Corp trophy and the infantry have only won this twice in the past, both occasions lead by a strong 3 Mercian contingent. The Royal Artillery has their name of the trophy six times, this is obviously unacceptable and is something the current team and hopefully any newcomers are going to rectify in the coming years.
Infantry = 1st in the Corps event
3 Mercian = 2nd in the Unit team .
Pte Dougherty = 2nd in the Novice Females K1
Pte Dougherty = 2nd C2 RLC Corp event
Pte Hellier = 1st Novice Mercian K1
Pte Hellier C/Sgt Rushton C/Sgt Smith = 2nd Unit Team Event K1 C/Sgt Rushton = 2nd Intermediate Mens K1
C/Sgt Pemberton = 2nd C2 Mens Corps Event
C/Sgt Smith = 1st Intermediate Mens K1
Capt D Triandafilou
Pte Hellier 1st Novice K1
The Thursday was the start of the competition and the whole team were excited and chomping at the bit to get on the water.