Page 93 - Mercian Eagle 2013 Digital Edtion
P. 93
and WO2 Powell had a fantastic time in Uganda. Only 1 night was spent in a hotel, with the rest of the time in the bush. They were following on the training of our US and French Colleagues, and honing their skills before deploying. This effectively had them doing lessons to a Bde of Ugandan Infantry with each lesson having a 120 + people (and an interpreter). WO2 Coxon had a great time acting as OC enemy in the final exercise. The Ugandans were
very interested and learned quickly. They came away with a good impression, so much so, that the STTT was asked to return and are there at the time of writing this article. I think this time, however, they have taken a few pairs of boots. The Ugandans want to swap their ‘Wellies’ (literally!) for proper boots.
Other highlights in training are numerous, but one recent example had the Padre visiting the Company. He was expecting to handout sweets and biscuits and talk to the troops. Not at E Company. We whisked him off to NESCLIFFE, and got him involved in a stalking exercise; he loved it.
In terms of the future, the Company is now preparing to send some Riflemen on HERRICK 20 and the annual exercise, which is a cadre camp. The Company has also been very active in getting our Riflemen trained, being the most successful within 4 MERCIAN. On the adventure training front, Rfn Halls is currently attempting to climb Mount Blanc.
The Company is unfortunately having a couple of personnel changes; WO2 Coxon (SPSI) is leaving the Company and the Army,
F Company
The past 12 months have been busy for F Coy. September 2013 saw the start
of the pre deployment training for the MFR Company prior to its deployment on Op TOSCA 18. The
and he will be sadly missed. His jovial character has won him
many friends, although he is only moving down the corridor to the ACF detachments. WO2 Villis, from 1 RIFLES, has just joined
the Company, and is continuing our tradition of having some very good regular army support. Finally, the OC is due to handover to Major Nicholls later in the year, after 4 years in post.
Concluding Remarks
E Company, is really looking
forward to our new challenges and
partners. E Company has always
been a very friendly, welcoming
company that embodies the RIFLES ethos. Once recruits enter
the company, often they only leave to join the regular forces (often RIFLES or MERCIAN Bns). It is a retention positive company, who are great believers in ‘value for money’. In recent years, E Company has deployed on operations, where ever they were required. So much
so, in one visit from a RIFLES Colonel, he asked the assembled company, ‘so who has been on operations?’ a man, every Riflemen raised their hand. Shropshire Lads, through and through.
whole Bn was involved
in the delivery of the
training with F Coy
taking the lead. Most of
the Company command
team attended the
Public Order course in
Northern Ireland and
quickly put this course
into practice by running
the training weekends. This training was progressive, demanding and enjoyable for the troops used as civilian rioters, who took
great delight in launching blocks of wood
at the troops in Public Order kit. The MFR learnt all the skills they would need during public order and put them to use during the
training exercises, the culmination of this was a Company level Public Order Exercise using vehicles and baton guns against a large rioting crowd.
The SF Platoon have continued to train under the direction of CSgt Ainsworth, this saw
them developing their skills with the GPMG during drill nights. After completing this training the Pl deployed in early 2013 on
several weekends to complete the live firing element of that training. The Platoon are going from strength to strength and even with the lose of the MFR the results of that live firing were excellent. The Company are looking to submit a team in the SF Match
9 shooting competition early next year, and with the additional practice planned for February and March we hope for an excellent result.
Early 2013 saw the return of Sgt Robinson, LCpl Neal and Pte Everett from Op HERRICK 17 where they deployed
This training was progressive, demanding and enjoyable for the troops used as civilian rioters
OC Maj Ian Bond
PSAO Maj Christopher Hymas 2IC Lt Gareth Dixon
CSM WO2 Douglas Spooner SPSI WO2 Ronald Duffey CQMS Cpl Paul Bywater
QPSI SSgt Bronsilaw Malec

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