Page 25 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 25

                                1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
  handed over to the B Sqn CoC proper. Gathering in Westdown Camp on Salis- bury Plain for the all ranks brief this was the first time the majority of the Tp had gathered together from both the core Tp and the National Support Element (NSE). The Tp personnel from across the army impressed with their engagement and positive outlook, this was reassuring and a good sign of things to come.
A week on the Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (CATT) was the first serial, an excellent tool for building trust across the team, engendering confidence in tactical application and developing basic communication. Unfortunately, we managed only two days over the week, interrupted by a potentially COVID-19 symptomatic soldier (they tested negative!) and the resulting action. The short time on CATT had confirmed one important thing; the reserve element had a good understanding of the basic tactical actions we were required to do as a Tp indeed compared to B Sqn 6 months earlier. Cassino Troop had far less ‘navigational’ issues on CATT with the time spent on simulators in their reserve centres seemingly well spent. Confidence grew across the team.
In early August Cassino Tp and B Sqn stepped onto Salisbury Plain. This was the first time the hybrid Tp, some of who had had limited time in their crews, had deployed together, it was an appre- hensive time. During the first week the Tp focused on the basics; a lot of time spent on driver training (off road day & night under NVG). 4th Platoon (Plt) led on delivering lessons to the Tp from Obser- vation Posts (Cpl Turner), to hides (Sgt Glyn Williams), to obstacle crossings (Sgt Sandy Rai RE), all in the searing heat of mid-summer. The second week was spent on practising tactical actions, another COVID-19 scare isolated our REME Recovery asset meaning we had to re-plan the final two days of serials focused on CTRs and a raid all of which
Prize for the shortest Gurkha goes to the QM
would now be dismounted. An excellent trio of CTRs was conducted and the raid itself well executed, the sum total being that confidence was increased further across the Tp prior to a well-earned two weeks summer leave and the Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRX) to
Returning to Salisbury
Plain on 30 August for the final two weeks of pre-de- ployment training it was pleasing to see confidence high in the team. Capt Joe Kite (B Sqn 2IC) had produced an excellent plan to work us hard but continue us on the developmental curve with Cassino Tp team now starting to function really well. Capt Rob Joles RY as 2IC was proving highly capable slipping into the 2IC role with apparent ease, Sgt Kiri Yeates RY had re-formed with the SSM, WO2 Dale Thomas, the highly effective CASEVAC team from Ex
WESSEX STORM with the Plts them- selves now starting to fire on all cylinders. For the MRX we switched to the East of the Plain. The Tp advanced to screen, conducted an obstacle crossing and a raid and then withdrew. Some excel- lent moments occurred; Sgt Sandesh Rai RE led a monu- mental clearance of a bush line (Khukri not quite drawn) before proceeding to throw casualties over his shoulders to extract them, inspira- tional. Lt Joe Wightman RY gave some 2 Para Snipers the fright of their life when he challenged them from under 1 metre away from a particu- larly cheeky OP. The words ‘are you our enemy’ splut- tered out of the 2 Para lad before Joe responded ‘no, we are the RY’ a bit of the Para was then seen to break inside at this news and they
scurried off.
The final target we needed
to hit was the live firing start
  Sgt Sandesh Rai RE led a monumental clearance
of a bush
line (Khukri not quite drawn) before proceeding
to throw casualties over his shoulders to extract them, inspirational
    Top secret new laser weapons
Looking for Mr Tumniss

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