Page 42 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 42

                                                40 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Troopers’ Bar
Back Street’s back, Alright!
The old and bold amongst us will no doubt remember the great nights spent propping up the various Squadron Bars around camp. From the Bars in the Osnabruck Squadron offices to the basement bars of Dempsey Barracks, they started to seem like a distant memory. The newer members of the Regiment have heard the tales of the infamous C Squadron green blow up chair and quick midnight dashes to the guardroom wearing nothing but a slither of toilet roll.
Every climate assessment that the Commanding Officer and RSM held mentioned the need and want for a bar that the Troopers could run and socialise in. A plan was hatched! With the QM, Capt Homewood, spearheading the charge; the old and unused NAAFI bar was gifted to the Troopers to set up and use as their own. SSM A, Mr Hopkins, and 4 Troopers from each of the Sqns were selected to form the core committee of the new Troopers Bars.
Tprs Lewis, Furley, Roberts, and Taylor were selected by their peers to represent them in the set up and running of the bar. Selection criteria set out by their fellow Tprs fell along the line of “good on the sesh” or “once applied for a job at Wetherspoons”.
Nevertheless, their tireless efforts and the support of their friends enabled the grand opening of the bar by the CO. With
Simon Cowell’s new boyband was ideally suited for radio
the walls adorned with recent memorabilia and items gifted by their fellow Tprs, the stage was set. There were drinks flowing, songs being sung and even a dodgy DJ in the corner. They did themselves proud.
The bar continued to run seamlessly for a few weekday evenings and weekends. Tpr Tyler Roberts was promoted, with Tpr Walker taking his place as the lead for B Sqn.
Then COVID hit like a tonne of bricks!
Unfortunately, the Troopers bar has had to fall in line with the guidance like the rest of the UK hospitality industry. But it is not the end, far from it... lockdown has given the committee plenty of time to continue to decorate whilst planning theme nights and parties post COVID. We wait for the next opening with bated breath.
         LCpl Emrys Jones 959
    This year has been a slow and chal- lenging year with COVID-19 taking the toll on the country. With almost every event being cancelled due to local lockdowns as well as country wide lockdowns. LCpl Jones has spent this year in two locations. The first location being Lulworth in Dorset with his other field buddy Rodney. LCpl Jones attended Bovington Camp to meet some of the new QDG soldiers making their way through their phase two training this was always a challenge as we had to maintain the two-metre rule. The second location is the home of the Regiment Robertson Barracks in Swanton Morley where he has carried out his regimental duties in camp.
LCpl Jones was also invited to attend a pass off parade held in Harro- gate (Army Foundation Collage). This was one of the largest parades that he had attended for some time where there was 400 phase one soldiers passing off. LCpl Jones had a key role to play in this event as he was given the task of marching on the VIP guests. It was also great opportunity
for the Commanding Officer Lt Col Simon Farebrother MC (QDG) and Brigadier Alan Richmond OBE to once again meet their regimental mascot. I would say the highlight of the event was meeting Capt Sir Thomas Moore and having the honour of having a photo taken with him.
On the 17th December LCpl Jones was in Wales attending three different hospitals with the Unit Welfare Officer Capt Davies, supporting the charity Dreams & Wishes where gifts will be dropped off for the children that
are under the support for the charity Dreams & Wishes.
   LCpl Jones and his field buddy (Disco) attempting to assist the Farrier Major in his duties

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