Page 50 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 50

                                48 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 PNCO Cadre 2020 (C Squadron)
    This year’s initial Potential Non-Com- missioned Officer (PNCO) Cadre had a difficult delivery, with a series of false starts caused by COVID-19 placing significant restrictions on training. It eventually got underway on the 25th June 2020 and ran until 8th July 2020. This also included a week on exercise in Thetford training area.
As training staff, we were keen to try new approaches to the delivery of the course, which saw a greater emphasis placed on allowing the Troopers to take responsibility and the initiative early during the course. This also saw the Troopers design their own training package to suit their individual and collective requirements. The in-camp phase saw the Troopers undertake the mandated Leadership and the ‘Roles and Respon- sibilities’ lessons and then practise these in Command Tasks and presentations held throughout camp. It was not without a good amount of ‘green’ training too, with Corporals delivering lessons on core reconnaissance and Basic Close Combat skills ready for the exercise. There was also a very demanding bayonet lane to develop mental and physical robustness; one which proved a very enjoyable, if not exhausting phase for the young leaders. These were conducted within the strict safety guidelines and under the watchful and experienced eye of the Regimental Sergeant Major!
On the exercise the course continued with lessons in urban warfare and Basic Close Combat skills in a Troop/Platoon context. The candidates undertook a ‘round robin’ of patrols and section attacks; the results of which went onto develop the scenario as they then began the reconnaissance phase. They were required to conduct a series of Close Target Reconnaissance and Obser- vation Posts on the Afghan Village at Bridge Carr, Thetford training area, to set up for a final attack to clear a series of compounds. This was designed to test the Troopers in a high pace and complex environment, once which reflects the congested and connected battlespace
End of Cadre Photo
    Platoon Attack Lessons
these young leaders will find themselves in as they progress in the future. This final raid was a huge success and the majority
of the Troopers finished the exercise with a large grin on their face, albeit tired!
The course closed out with a final parade with Colonel David Wakefield, Deputy Commander 7th Infantry Brigade, as the Inspecting Officer. Special mentions must go to the now Lance Corporals Murphy and Roberts, who achieved Top Student and Most Improved Student respectively. Delivering the course would not have been possible without the support from Sergeant Evans and the hard work of the other instructors, Corporals Pugh, Grif- fiths, Bould, Hugo and Lunness. It was a great privilege for all of us to train the next generation of Junior Leaders within the Regiment.
      Section Level Orders

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