Page 53 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 53

                                1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
         Despite the clear hurt in their faces, the CBRN stand did provide some of the more light hearted elements of the patrol
  clearance and VP360 chaos. The final stand of the daytime patrol was every- one’s favourite, the Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear (CBRN) stand. Following years of Mullens Cup feedback specifying less sleep and more CBRN, Corporal Newbury RAMC ensured that individual skills and drills were pushed to the limit, culminating in a casualty in a CBRN environment. Despite the clear hurt in their faces, the CBRN stand did provide some of the more light hearted elements of the patrol as personnel realised the absurdity of fighting in a
melted welly. As last light came, Troops found themselves in a harbour preparing for a close target reconnaissance patrol under Mr Davies, the Training Wing, Warrant Officer and his support crew nearby in a local layby.
Following a patrol back brief, Troops stepped off for home. However, it wouldn’t have been much of a patrol competition without a good old fash- ioned casualty evacuation to finish. Approximately 1 km from the extrac- tion point the troops came under small arms fire and saw themselves recover
uphill back to Exercise Control. Once at the notional Helicopter Landing Site, the Troop Leader and Troop Sergeant were questioned on elements of the last 60 hours before loading their callsign onto a TCV for one last final surprise during the extraction. Finally, it was ENDEX and Troops breathed a sigh of relief, Ex MULLENS CUP 2020 was over. A big well done to 3rd Troop C Sqn, led by Lieutenant Lewis and Sergeant Humphreys, for winning the competition overall – the QDG knives are in the post!

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