Page 73 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 73

                                1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
  June 2019-present – KDG in Afghanistan 1919
This exhibition was set up to commemorate the last cavalry charge by the KDG in Afghanistan in 1919.There are several artefacts from that time and some particularly good personnel accounts.
Future Exhibitions:
The History of the Regiment Through Its Campaign Medals
This exhibition will be an interactive exhi- bition allowing visitors to scroll through the years of conflicts, the medals that were issued, stories of recipients and artefacts that we have on display and in our collection.
The Living Regiment
This is an exhibition of the modern-day Regiment; interviews were carried out on
several Regimental personalities and will be another interactive exhibition.
Gulf War 1990/91
This will be an online exhibition and a short-term exhibition in the museum.
Waterloo Exhibition
The present Waterloo collection in the museum will be updated and new arte- facts incorporated into the present cases.
We have quite a few exciting new exhi- bitions and projects to look forward to. Hopefully, we will reopen in 2021, dates
to be confirmed and I also ask serving and RCA members to support your Regi- mental museum in order for us to move forward after the pandemic. We are always looking for volunteers to work in the museum and to assist in research. The museum is always available to serving and RCA members for talks and visits. Please feel free to contact me for details.
The staff and I look forward to welcoming you back to our Regimental museum in 2021.
 Regimental History Book
    The last Regimental history was written by Michael Mann and was published in 1991, thus almost half of QDG 60 years of history have not been researched, consolidated and published in an authoritative book. This is now being addressed and the respected military historian, Peter Caddick-Adams, has been commissioned to write a history of QDG from amalgamation to the present day. Whilst an authoritative history, it will also be well illustrated and include interesting anecdotes and facts about our people, places and property.
The project is being driven by a committee chaired by the Colonel of the Regiment and made up of representatives
from each era: John Mackley, Brian Bell, Alfie Corfield, Eric Grounds, Clive Morris, Basher Brace, Dickie Goldsbrough, George Clegg, Stewart Burman, Howard Smith, Mark Hawtin, Jerome Tyson and Duncan Wiggins. You will have a far greater chance of featuring if you offer up copies of your best photos or write some interesting or amusing (and clean!) recollections. Please send your offerings to Home HQ QDG, Maindy Barracks, Cardiff, CF14 3YE.
The plan is to have the book published and ready for delivery in time for the QDG RCA Cardiff Reunion in October 2022.

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