Page 82 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 82

                                80 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Specific Training prior to Op Herrick 15.
Sgt Davies deployed on Op Herrick 15 in 2011 as 3rd Troop
Sgt. The Sqn deployed on an upgraded CVRT fleet called Scimitar 2. The troop deployed from FOB Price
for 10 days providing route security on the main
supply route North. Other tasks would be providing
an outer cordon for C Sqn BRF to conduct their mission. In 2012, Sgt Davies qualified for and was awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
Sgt Davies was promoted to SSGT in April 2013
where he took on the role of B Sqn SQMS. During
his time, he administrated a Mullens Cup and wives
exercise. He deployed to Canada for 3 months, and
then Herrick 20 as the BAT (Brigade Advisory Team)
SQMS. SSGT Ananins took over the SQMS role in
the last few weeks of the tour as SSGT Davies took
over the role of Officers’ Mess Manager at RD in preparation for the Regiment’s return.
SSGT Davies was promoted to WO2 in April 2015 and took over from WO2 “Butch” Davies as A SQN SSM. The Regiment
was in full swing preparing for the move to Robertson Barracks, Swanton Morley in Norfolk. Wayne deployed to Sierra Leone
to train the
Sierra Leone Army in basic military skills and how to run up a massive hill after smoking half a pack of Lamberts, drinking a pint of coffee all with a hangover.
In April 2017 Jason promoted to WO1 and fulfilled the post of RSM Castle Martin, Pembroke which was his first posting from RD in 20 years and subsequently his last. Wayne retired from the Army in March 2020 and started his civilian career on the first day of the Coronavirus lockdown. Wayne has settled in Carmarthenshire with his Wife Nicola and two sons Liam and Adam and his beloved dog Alvin.
 SSgt “Billy” Thurston enlisted into the Army in August 1997. He completed his basic training at ATR Winchester and subsequent phase two training at Bovington. Once qualified as a Chal- lenger 1 tank driver, he joined the Regiment in July 1998.
Billy has taken part in exercises all over the
world, his initial deployment was to Canada which
was prior to his 6-month tour of Kosovo in 1999
where he used the tour to master the vehicle and
understand its limitations. Building on his D&M
skills and now honing the ability to make a first-
rate brew whilst travelling cross country in a main
battle tank. Shortly after returning from Kosovo,
Billy took part in the Army Boxing Individual Cham-
pionships, in which he won. Billy was a natural at boxing and anyone that knows him can vouch that it’s not just woodwork that he can turn his hands to.
In 2001 the Regiment converted from main battle tank, to formation reconnaissance and Billy again deployed to Bosnia, carrying out patrols along the Serbian border.
Following his tour, Billy was selected to join the Army
Boxing team in Aldershot. In 2002 SSgt Thurston completed the Junior Non-Commissioned Officer Cadre course, where he came top, and shortly after promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal. In 2003 he deployed to Iraq on Op-TELIC 1 as a radio operator where he worked with Iraqi POWs and as part of a rebroadcasting station. 2005 saw a return to Iraq after which he was promoted to the rank of Corporal. In 2006 he completed the Crew Commanders’ course at Warminster. In 2007 Billy, a young Crew Commander, used this qualification in Iraq where he led convoys around Iraq and Kuwait, resupplying different areas within the Bde AOR.
Billy was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in
2009 and deployed this time to Afghanistan as
part of a small Operational Mentoring and Liaison
Team (OMLT). During this time, he lived in Forward
Operating Bases north of Gareshk where he was
a mentor for the Afghan National Army conducting
patrols in the Green Zone. On return from Afghan-
istan he was posted to ATR Winchester as a Platoon Sergeant where he applied his extensive experience to preparing junior
soldiers for their careers in the Army. Billy was always good at mentoring those around him and would approach all situations with a calm, level headed attitude, this made him an easy choice to return to Afghanistan in 2012 as a mentor to the Afghan National Army, conducting frame- work patrols and Operations in forward areas of Helmand where kinetic activity was granted as a daily norm.
2014 saw Billy complete his last deployment as part of the Afghan National Security Forces Liaison Team. Deploying into the desert to retrieve severely injured Afghan soldiers and extract them to coalition medical facilities. On return he was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant and
employed as the MTWO, providing all aspects of transport services to his Regiment. In January 2017 Billy was posted back to Army Training Regiment Winchester as a Company Quar- termaster Sergeant to draw a close to his career, where it all began.
The last 22 years have no doubt flown by for all that have worked alongside Billy. However, all those that have worked alongside him will testify to his kind nature and uncomplicated can-do attitude that has positively affected all those that have worked with him. Over Billy’s time, he has been a staunch member of the Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants’ Mess and has made friends for life. We will all be very sorry to see him leave. All that have worked with him will only reinforce the great stories that are spoken and wish him well in his future. A great soldier that will no doubt become a great civilian.
Overall, Billy has had a busy and hugely varied career with one of the only constants being his Wife Leah and his Children Molly and George. They have all been unrelenting in the support in which they have given to him. Both the regiment and the Mess are entirely grateful for all his endeavours and we wish the Thurstons all the very best for the future.
WO1 Davies has been a keen rugby player for the regiment
SSgt ‘Billy’ Thurston
Over the years, WO1 Davies has been a keen rugby player for the regiment and participated in various adventure training in France, Bavaria and Canada. All that know Wayne will miss his beaming smile and friendly chat
but look forward to catching up with him at reunions.
  all those that have worked alongside him will testify
to his kind natured and uncomplicated can-do attitude that has positively affected all

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