Page 12 - Thrapston LIfe July 2022
P. 12

Natural Wear UK
   The idea for Natural Wear UK was created in 2019 by Caroline and Steve, however it wasn’t until May 2020 that it was actually launched.
Why did you decide on eco-friendly products? I started on my journey of sourcing eco-friendly and sustainable products knowing that sustainability is the ability to
replace materials and products over
and over again without harming the
planet. Our key areas are bamboo,
recycling and fair trade products.
What’s so great about bamboo socks?
They are incredibly soft, antibacterial, absorb moisture from the feet and are thermally controlled (keep your feet warm in the winter and cool in the summer). They really do wash well and the plant source is so sustainable.
  Tell us more... I try to ensure that
most of our products are fair trade: safe working conditions, decent wages, and
no child force labour. Recycle remake
supports the environment and you can find fantastic products for example some of our bags are made from ex-army tents and strapping from packaging, and our home decor range is made from discarded tin metals and nuts and bolts and so much more.
Do you sell in other outlets as well as the market? Yes, we go all over the country to shows, markets and eco-events and of course we sell through the website.
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Who works with you, or do you go it alone? I work full-time in the business, Steve my partner working away all week so at the weekend he support at events and helping to sourcing products.
The best thing about your job? I still get that buzz as you start talking to people and sharing your knowledge.
What makes being in Thrapston Indoor Market such a perfect environment? It is a great place for us to showcase our products to local people. Such a friendly environment.
Your best selling product? By far the best selling product has to be the bamboo socks. What’s your favourite piece? Besides the
bamboo socks, it has to be the canvas bags which are made from ex-military tents, I just love the one that I’ve got it so good.

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