Page 29 - Thrapston LIfe July 2022
P. 29

                                CHURCH NEWS
    Thrapston Baptist Church
Minister: Reverend Mat Hussain
e: t: 07501 718797
 Our prayers are with our leadership team as the church adjusts to this new chapter, following the departure of the Hussain family. We also continue to pray for all those affected by the conflict in the Ukraine. TBC are supporting
the charity Childrens’ Ministry Ukraine who do invaluable work, providing us with regular updates of the situation on the ground. We pray for God’s continuing wisdom and provision for the church as we seek to faithfully teach and witness to our community.
This month we continue preaching through Jesus’ parables. The services will have the following themes and preachers.
Mass Times
Tuesdays: 10.00am
Thursdays: 6.30pm
Sundays: 8:45am
Fridays: 10.00am
ST THOMAS MORE, RAUNDS Saturdays: 5.00pm
Mondays: 10.00am
Please note changes in weekday times.
Congratulations to the young people who were confirmed in May.
The event took place in Oundle School Chapel and is described here by one of the candidates.
After many weeks of training and preparation starting with Father Pius and completed by Father Benedetto, we finally reached the main event on Saturday 21st May. Oundle School chapel was very welcoming to both their own students and ourselves, the
candidates from the three Parishes.
Along with Cara I was very pleased to be asked
to read the first reading and Cara the Psalm.
It was both nerve wracking and a privilege. Bishop David was overjoyed and expressed slight envy of the School Choir. My time came and I approached with my sponsor and knelt before the Bishop who blessed me and named me Brendan; an Irish sea faring saint and the male form of my Grandmother’s name Brenda. We really enjoyed the day and meeting the Bishop again.
For details of services on holy days please see the newsletter on the church door or visit the website
July 3rd
July 10th
July 17th
July 24th
July 31st
10.30am Morning Service Parable of the wedding banquet Andrew Thompstone
10.30am Communion Service Parable of the ten virgins TBA
10.30am Morning Service Parable of the Talents James Read
10.30am Morning Service Parable of the good Samaritan Stuart Rankin
10.30am Family Service TBA
 For any more information please email us on
Don’t forget the series of Video Reflections by our former minister Mat Hussain is still available on our website.
Also, please don’t forget, if you would like to speak to anyone or would like us to pray for you or your family, then please do get in touch using our prayer request contact form on the website: (
Recordings of our services are still being made available via our website (www.
Every Blessing
Thrapston Baptist Church
St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church Parish Priest: Father Benedetto D’Autilia
e: email: t: 07881 467624

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